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Sustainable Sexuality


Better Sex ... Throughout Life!

Welcome to the Sustainable Sexuality Website!

The purpose of this website is to explore human sexuality, its history, its circumstances, its issues, and then suggest ways to improve sexuality throughout life...

After our survival instinct is sexuality our strongest drive (in a way it can be said that sexuality still is part of the survival instinct, since sexuality's first aim, seen from Nature's side, is procreation). As far as sexuality goes, humans are almost unique on Earth, because they are able to have sex for pleasure's sake, whenever they want (and wherever, too, which is not that bad).

This website follows a logical sequence: It starts with an introduction to what is being discussed, followed by descriptions of various aspects of sexuality, such as physiology, a (short) history of sexuality, my own sexual history (see the reason for this under "My Past"), sexual issues in our time, how sexuality is presented in the media, literature and film, etc.

You may want to read sequencially (recommended, because there is, as I mentioned, a certain logic to it …). You may also like to choose to go back and forth between the different sections, depending on what catches your attention.

An index helps you find your way back to the headlines.


You are hereby warned, because sexuality can be a very controversial subject, and because our modern culture has become all too squeamish about sex (it's actually more accepted to show extreme violence in the media than it is to show sexuality, see "Sex in the media"!), so you might find that some of the ideas that are presented here are either incredible or even completely wrong! It should be emphasized that the materials herein are mainly based on my experience and the knowledge I have collected over more than 60 years and therefore must be seen as a possibility (and, if you have a description that makes more sense, then I'll be very happy to hear about it).

The short of it is ...

I would particularly like to emphasize immediately that one of the main conclusions which are described here—namely that both women and men would be able to enjoy a better sex if men were prepared to consider their relationship with ejaculations—can be relatively easily documented. Among others, I have developed a slide presentation that clearly take you through a journey of discovery in the land of pleasure and shows how it can be that earlier "philosophies", such as Taoism, have recommended the same ...

See more about the presentation under "Concrete".

No quick answers

In view of the fact that waht is presented here is a result of life experiences—ie. over many years—you cannot expect to be able to jump to a place where you get some quick and easy answers. For me, the process has been going on for more than twelve years, and the development is still very clear ...

Sustainable Sexuality ... What's that!

What is meant by "Sustainable Sexuality"?

We live in a world that is increasingly unsustainable. Now if you are unsure, click here (and click again to hide).

The purpose of this website is not to document in details the way in which people treat each other and their surroundings.

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However, it is clear that the way we have chosen to live in the past few centuries has brought some undesirable side effects, which have become so acute that the Earth seems to be threatened, including because of global warming. It has taken several decades before it was even accepted that there is something called global warming and that we humans are the main cause of it. Since we live under the control of an economic system that ignores the basic laws of nature, our (over) consumption of resources, especially crude oil and its derivatives, and natural gas, the so-called fossil fuels has contributed to global warming ...
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The Earth's population is growing too fast. This causes more potential international crises around the supply of basic necessities such as water.
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The great religions, particularly Christianity and Islam, are engaged in a dangerous ideological escalation.
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The people who are most at risk, are usually poor people, women and children.
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Women, who have been oppressed by men in several millennia (and this aspect is an important part of this website), and still are, are still being beaten (from a little to to death), raped, physically mutilated, earn less money for their work than men do, and so on.
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A growing number of people on earth become poorer and poorer, obscenely poorer, while a minority is getting richer and richer, obscenely richer.
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For many decades, the West exploited the then so-called developing countries, Third World countries, their resources and their residents.
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One of these countries has a special symbolic value: We have long benefited from being able to buy products "Made in China", which almost always has meant cheap items. Cheap for us—just because people in China were exploited and worked (and still do) in indecent circumstances. With globalization and the inevitable relaxation of political control in China in the long term, it becomes more and more difficult to get the Chinese people to continue working themselves into the grave so that we can continue to enjoy the cheap goods they produce.
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Even worse, as we can already see increasingly, more and more Chinese people now have the possibility to travel and start enjoying all the good opportunities that until now had been the privy of the Western world.
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And worse yet, the Chinese economic power is increasing. Evidence suggests that the Chinese are starting to "buy" Africa and take control there a little bit at a time (they have just bought Volvo a couple weeks ago).
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Now that we know that global warming is "only" the result of consumption in the western world, mainly the US and Europe, ie "only" hundreds of millions of people, imagine how much worse it will be for the environment when there is talk about the billions of people who suddenly must have house and car and cell phone and a wide tv screen and summer holidays and skiing holidays by air, etc. and India, a country that also has a large population, is also in the process of economic development on a scale that can only worry.
Broken Heart Symbol
More and more (rabid) female feminists simply want to "abolish" men: These women believe they do not need men other than to be inseminated, and therefore would like to have men parked behind fences, so that they no longer commit violence against women!
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At a time when overpopulation has become one of our biggest problems is the Pope, the "boss" of Catholicism, still at war against abortion and contraception.
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More and more people express that they feel stressed, especially at work, and women in higher numbers than men.
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People "waste" their time on the highway commuting to and from work every day.
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In Denmark, "unemployed" people are being persecuted more and more by the "system".

It looks as if we humans have a hard time realizing and admitting that we make mistakes.

Think, for example, back to the days when smoking was not considered a problem, and people who smoked, were allowed to pollutte other people's air without hindrance!

These last two observations are going to be used later on this site ...

This far from comprehensive list already shows a set of three issues that will resurface later, namely:

Broken Heart Symbol Gender Relations (thereunder Sex)
Dollar Symbol The Economic System
Religion Symbol Religion (s)

Click anywhere in this section to collapse it again ...

It cannot be so surprising that when our lives are marked by so much unsustainability, so our sexuality must also be unsustainable!

Maybe you think: The word "sustainable" has become very popular (read: overused!), And now it is also has to be used about sexuality, come on!

Well, let's look at what sexuality actually looks like today, if we can now navigate between grotesque hardcore porn on the one hand, and the pseudo-spiritual approach from the modern tantra fad!

Now if you are ready to be exposed to a good dose of dry statistics, click here (and click again to hide)...

Most of us who have had any experience with sex will be able to recognize the following description (most of which being supported by statistics):

An unexplainable (until you have read on!) large number of women either cannot reach orgasm during intercourse (depending on references, the figures hover around 25-30%), or experience (a lot of) trouble with it, while a stunning majority of men find it very easy!

(Only!) 57% of women reach orgasm most of the time or always when they have sex with a partner (by the way, lesbians have more orgasms than heterosexual women), while men do 95% of the time.

78% of women say they think it is important for their partner that they get an orgasm. However, 72% have had a partner who had an orgasm without trying to help them get one.

67% of women admit that they have faked orgasm at some point in time.

1/3 of men over 40 years of age have difficulty getting an erection.

Female sexuality is generally considered to get better with age.

On the other hand, a study of September 2016 (Journal of Health and Social Behavior) concluded that where it is beneficial for older women to have orgasms, it is not so good for older men, due to the risk of heart problems!

Click anywhere in this section to collapse it again...

Let us now take a more experience-based look at sexuality. We will use some of the information that statistics provide us.

We can begin by looking at Anatomy and Physiology.

Anatomical and physiological considerations

Sexual physiology can help us to understand sexuality, and especially the issues of women and men encounter.

The Female Body

A woman's body is naturally equipped with the ability to experience pleasure independent of procreation. In a way it can be said that women, who otherwise suffer from many disadvantages in life, got a free gift: their orgasms are free of charge, which means that a woman who has "recovered" (more on this later) her sexual potential can experience orgasm efter orgasm efter orgasm without trouble or loss of energy.

The Male Body

In a man's body—as we all know—it is a completely different story: every time a man gets an orgasm, so he gets an ejaculation, and then he gets tired and can no more (and more importantly, as men who are self-conscious enough would admit, he wants no more) for a while. This "for a while" —that can be very short, measured in minutes in adolescents and / or particularly "gifted" men—gets longer and longer with age.

Apparent Lack of Compatibility

This general observation could in itself be enough to make us wonder how it can be that women and men seem to be such a glaring mismatch! It could get some of us to say that if we were created by a god, so that god had to be stupid!

For we must not forget that women, on the other hand, need time to achieve orgasm, making the combination even more difficult.

We end up somewhere, oh no, no more statistics, where the man typically reaches orgasm (and ejaculation) within a few minutes, where the woman typically needs longer.

An even more sobering observation/conclusion can be that orgasms have opposite effects on respectively women and men:

  • A woman who gets an orgasm gets energy and wants more (more orgasms!) right here, right now.
  • A man who gets an orgasm gets tired and does not want any more right here, right now!

How did we end there!

Often, it helps to look at History, because precisely history can tell us how we got to where we are...

A (short) history of sexuality

Before we plunge into the history of sexuality, I would like to note something I have learned long ago from a particularly observant history teacher: History is written by the winners, which means that each time we read history books or reports, it is doubtful that the weak, the oppressed, etc. have been represented. There are many concrete examples of this, such as the way the original inhabitants of the US—the "Indians"—were almost "forgotten" in history after they were parked in reservations.

The Winners Write History

Similarly, it is clear that history books have always had more interest in telling us about the glorious wars waged by noble princes, rulers and conquerors than about the home life of their pathetic wives! This comment is a clear indication that women have been oppressed for quite a long time, which means that an attempt to trace their history will be at best a muddy undertaking. Let's try anyway ...

Far, Far Back

Some believe that in a time far, far back, the prominent social model was based on matriarchy instead of the current near-universal patriarchal model. It is also said that women at that time had the opportunity to live out their sexuality, which—as we saw in physiology can be very strong, intense and long-lasting.

It is also claimed in some quarters that there was a sharp turning point in human history when we, about 10,000 years ago, shifted from being nomadic hunters and gatherers to cultivate the land and therefore had settle somewhere.

Ownership Strangled Female Sexuality

A side effect of the fact that people started to build houses and settled down was that ownership became more important than before, when there was not so much to own under constant moves from tree to tree, or from temporary settlement to temporary settlement, or from cave to cave. With ownership came the wish to know who owned what. Then, it suddenly became important for men to know who their children were (where there has never been so much doubt about who a child's mother is!), if not for anything else because it was important to have as many hands as possible to cultivate the land. Therefore, it was important to control women's sexuality, then the genitors of the children could be established! Men wanted also to know for sure that THEIR land and other real estate was not inherited by another man's offspring.

There could be another reason/explanation (though not necessarily either or) to the repression of female sexuality—as the men who have been lucky enough to have sex with an uninhibited woman has been able to get a sense of: female sexuality can be—when it is freed from all the adverse aspects that we are examining here—very powerful, just because a woman has no physical limitations in terms of how intensely she can live out her sexuality.

It could therefore also be that men were jealous of how much pleasure a woman can experience (I even meant for many years that I had been cheated by being born a boy)!

4000 Years of Documented Repression

I do not expect you to simply accept as a "truth" the ideas and possible explanations I present here about women began to be oppressed. It may even be that you still doubt that there is something called "oppression of women".

In 2012, a book written by Eric Berkowitz was published in the United States: "Sex and Punishment, 4000 Years of Judging Desire". The book documents how sex has been handled by the law (the author is a lawyer) in the Western world over the past 4,000 years. I consider myself as someone who has some knowledge about gender relations and related topics. However, I was astonished by how much sexuality has been persecuted by the law of the said period. In fact, the book shows clearly that it is in particular female sexuality that has been persecuted by law. Because of it, I think that a more accurate title for the book would have been "4,000 Years of Judging Female Desire"!

Female Pleasure: A Modern Concept!

Let us now look more in details at how the repression of female sexuality has affected gender relations over time.

We must first be clear about what this repression means. It implies clearly that the importance of the sexual experience of women was reduced—its existence even denied, as you can see from the following quote—so it was only important that men got pleasure during sex. The quote is from http://videnskab.dk/kultur-samfund/orgasme-mod-hysteri (a Danish source, you'll have no trouble finding an English version on the internet): "Before fairly well into the 1900's it was said and agreed upon among scholars that women were unable to feel any kind of sexual pleasure."!

Can you imagine—now that we know in what extend women are able to experience sexual pleasure—what else can explain that it should have taken so many millennia to find this out, other than that men have oppressed women (or at best that they have not been as interested in women's experiences in bed)?

The very concept of "hysteria" clearly shows how women have been oppressed: their healthy reaction to lack of sexuality and orgasms—which "hysteria" for the most part reflects—was made to a pathology!

A funny detail is that the dildo was developed in the context of attempts to "cure" hysteria! See a film called " Hysteria " ; that tells the story.

How Much Have We Learned?

Then we come to modern times, where we have become so clever that we can send ... men ... to the moon ...

Our knowledge of gender relations and sexuality has not kept pace with developments because women still get the short end of the straw in sexuality (as the rest do generally in society ... where is “Equal pay for equal work” (!), see a little further down ...). It is done in such a way that women almost have been brainwashed to prioritize men's enjoyment, and neglect their own. Although it begins to change—very little, though—the norm is still to focus on male pleasure.

Liberated Women or Sad Copies of Men?

Concurrently with the sexual aspect of gender relations we have had the so-called "female liberation movement" in the 1970's. This movement has clearly put the focus on how women had been oppressed in a male society, and it looked as if "sisters" began to fix things in society. Did they really, though...

Yes, yes, women were given more opportunities, they got the right to decide over their own bodies, among others with legislation about abortion (the 13th of June 1973 in Denmark).

They were also allowed to be fine small soldiers (in 1974 the first women began to be admitted in the military academiesin Denmark), and were then allowed to die in war, also on the winner's side (you know, those who write history). It seems to me a pathetic gains that women were "allowed" to be downgraded to the worst possible lowest common denominator of what men can find to accomplish, namely war ...

Some decades later, now that something as simple as "equal pay for equal work"—though it involves no technically impossible task when we master so much knowledge and skills (see the man on the moon or how we can create more and more complex machines and robots)—is yet not become a reality, ie that women are still "under" men, it becomes more and more clear to an increasing number of people that women have not achieved what the original purpose was. This is simply because they were not conscious enough at the time that they, after all, continued to play by men's rules in a world that is still created by and for men.

The example of the soldiers clearly shows that women in the best cases have become copies of men, and have had to take over the worst aspects of what men can offer (eg. also to be eligible to be psychopathic leader in corporations or cynical political leaders etc.).

Contempt of Archetypal Dimension...

Before we leave history, I would like to propose an idea that I have not heard of before, which I think makes sense, although I cannot prove it.

I believe that the repression of female sexuality that has been underway for about 10,000 years has created a deep “track” in mankind, so deep that it could be described as a kind of archetype (in the spirit of Carl Jung)—or in a similar manner as a morphogenetic field according to the theory Rupert Sheldrake has described in his book "A New Science of Life"—and that part of this archetype must be that women experience a high degree of contempt for men, which may be the case when any group of people oppress another group for long enough.

The contempt of the oppressed leads easily to a desire for revenge, which would also explain how more and more women get revenge on men, either directly by imagining a world where it would no longer be "necessary" to have men, or indirectly in the way social services are becoming more and more driven by women with an agenda that does not always take the common good in consideration. See Karin from the municipality in the (Danish) film "Der var engang en dreng - som fik en lillesøster med vinger (Once upon a time there was a boy - who got a little sister with wings)" from 2006.

Now that we've looked at history in general, you can look at my (personal sexual) history...

My (Sexual) History

This section is inspired by a wondering about how people can write books about subjects that have to do with people without "giving of oneself", ie without providing the autobiographical information that would help the reader understand how the author has come to the ideas being presented.

The Myth of Objectivity

This is probably an idea that used to be very popular quite a long time ago: that there is something called "objectivity" and that somebody, for example a journalist, a psychologist, etc., who writes or communicates on a particular topic, has a "professional" duty to address the issue with a certain distance, and under no circumstances must let transpire who they are.

In psychology, it is very evident. We all know the image of the psychoanalyst who listens to the patient from behind the couch as if s/he almost was not present, disembodied. Freud insisted that the therapist was not to be involved in the process.

In more recent times, we have therapists like Irvin Yalom, who say just the opposite, that it is important to show who one is because this can actually create more trust in the process in the "patient".

After all, we each have our own personal history, and this personal history is what has brought us to where we are now! It is therefore important to understand how what we express makes sense.

Therefore, you can read here about my story, at least the part of it that has to do with sexuality...

There is much reading here. It is inevitable when it comes to a person's life, at least someone who has had, like me, an exciting life! It may be that it becomes too much for you to read it all, and yet, I think it is how we can come to understand what another person expresses: by seeing how their life have evolved. Otherwise, what they write ends up being, at best, pretty intellectual.

In this way. I am convinced that the numerous crime novels and social novels—written by French authors such as Simenon and Frederick Dard; and various American writers; and later Danish—I started reading intensively from the 1990's—in the past, I was also full of contempt for "fiction"—have done more for my development as a person and my understanding of other people than any training in psychology would have done.

Where Does One's History Begin?

When it comes to telling one's life story, there is immediately a big question: where shall the telling begin?

The first answer might be: at birth, because that is where our visible life begins.

However, many of the circumstances that are very crucial for our life are already established by our parents, and even by their parents. In this way it can go a long way back, when we take into consideration this process: certain topics will be passed on from generation to generation.

Although I do not have much knowledge of my parents' past, I will start with what I know about anything that has happened before I was born and I will try to highlight what I believe has been crucial for me and my development. Here you can read about my parents' history (and click again to hide)...

My mother was born in 1916 and the last of nine siblings. She was brought up in a strong Catholic Christian faith. Her father was an alcoholic. Because she was the last child, she "got" to care for her siblings' children. In a sense, she was treated as a kind of servant of the family.

My father was five years younger than my mother, and his parents were separated quite early (I still remember what one of my father's greatest wishes about the past was: having had just one meal with both parents at the same time...), and he was mostly brought up by a non-believing mother. He was rather short, and it was stressful for him because he was bullied as a kid. His father was also an alcoholic.

My mother wanted children, lots of children.

My father did not want to have children (can it be that he felt just as I did when I was younger: I had experienced so much pain as a child that I did not want to expose more to the same...).

My mother felt suffocated in the small provincial town of Guérande, and she was very brave to seek a job as a nanny in Tunisia. Although she was a beautiful woman, I do not suppose that her love life as a young woman consisted of so much.

My father had a girlfriend in Paris, where he grew up. It sounded—from what I heard of it in my youth—as if they had a special relationship, something that almost seemed spiritual, even though my father all his life denied everything that had to do with such topics, everything from religion to psychology.

My mother ended so in Africa, where she had a happy period in Sfax, Tunisia, in a lovely, wealthy family whose children she took care of.

My father, who was dumped by his girlfriend and rejected by the French army because of his height, needed to be challenged in a special way. Then he went to Africa (you must know that at this point—we are talking about 1940's—, France was a very active colonial power in Africa).

They met in Marseille, both on the way to or from Africa. He was a handsome guy, she was very attractive. How could they have known that they could never figure it out together, because of their conflicting directions in life, and that they would create 4 people (and more in the following generations), who for the rest of their lives would have to suffer the side effects of various events... Well let us not run ahead of ourselves...

My parents' lives in Africa could be a description from an adventure film. In fact, some of the stories I have heard about their time in Africa would almost seem incredible if they would figure in a movie.

In the jungle, my father got built a "boucarou" (a traditional round building made of hard materials with a sloping thatched roof, which is found mainly in northern Cameroon) which he had made drawings for.

My father, who "only" had received training as a mechanic (he was very good at producing precision metal parts), tried various jobs during their stay in Africa, which lasted from about 1948 to 1957.

(You may notice, as I do myself, that not so much gets written about my mother as it does about my father—which is very relevant in our context—because even more then than now, the role of a woman was systematically reduced to be of a less important character than that of a man.)

My father worked for an import-export company that also managed some gold mines. It was part of his work to take rounds of the mines and bring the gold back to the main office. As a hobby, he was big-game hunter—as a hobby and "therapy", although the term was not so popular at that time... By putting himself in dangerous circumstances—and Africa in the 1940s was a dangerous place—he could show himself that he was not the pitiful, pathetic wimp, the others had bullied back in Paris...

My mother. Well, she was "just" a housewife, because yes, despite my father's opposition, she began to have children. It was not easy to have children in the jungles of Africa. For instance, the legs of our cribs had to be put into cans full of petrol, so that if a colony of ants should transit through our house during the night, they would not be able to climb into bed and leave only well-cleaned skeletons...

It is likely at this time that my parents' story merged with mine, that it is where I initially can clearly trace the events that have influenced my (sexual) development.

As I said, shortly after my parents met, my mom gave clear indication that she wanted to have children, many children. My father—blinded as he probably was, like many people are when they are "in love"—ignored this small, but quite important information...

So began jungle hell, jungle hell, jungle hell all the way...

One of the stories I have heard most about during my childhood is that my father forced my mother to get abortions.

It is hard enough to force a woman who has been brought up in a blind Christian faith to have an abortion. When it on top of that takes place in a boucarou in the African jungle, and furthermore when the doctor who "performs" is half-drunk (people drank a lot in Africa), so I can understand that a woman who was already mentally challenged begins to feel really, really bad...

Another story was that child 2 (I have two older sisters and a "little" sister) was born in spite of a failed abortion attempt earlier during the gestation.

I never heard enough detail about my mother's life in Africa, especially in terms of the offers, she certainly got to have sexual experiences on the side (my father no doubt took advantage of the opportunities that often were/are considered as more "acceptable "at least in a culture where men and their strength, which can turn into violence, set the rules). When they showed us the old Africa pictures, we heard of that man who would have wished to get hold of my mother during a drunken party, without any further details.

I can therefore not know exactly what my mother's reality looked like in the past, in terms of sex. I can only guess that just because of her Christian upbringing, so could sex not really be considered as something desirable, because it would be sinning.

I guess that it was only after we had moved back to France in 1957, that my mother tried to commit suicide for the first time—the first time in a string that stretched over the following years.

A Small Boy Playing with Marbles

My earliest sexual-related memory is from when I was a little boy. It was playtime, and we boys played marbles in the yard (it was done this way: we dug a small hole in the ground, and we should then throw our marbles from a certain distance, and gradually come closer so that we eventually could get the marble to roll down into the hole).

We were several who played together. While I waited for my turn, I caught myself holding my penis in my hand through the pocket of my shorts. I felt embarrassed about it because when I looked around, I could see that none of the others did such thing (they probably did it when I was not looking)...

It was an important ingredient in a disturbed sexuality, which, incidentally, is a pillar of Christianity: guilt and shame!

My mother, who otherwise—when she was not away due to a suicide attempt—was very loving and took care of me when I was ill, etc., tried to raise me as she had been taught it should be done, and this meant to convey to me at all times, and at my expense, that masturbation was a sin, and therefore I should not do it.

Masturbation Enters

For me, from youth, the subject of masturbation was—and I am not alone, as I learned later!—a very stressful topic. It must be the topic that has eaten most of my sexual energy over time, from very young to approximately 13 years ago!

And, as I will describe later, it has at the same time been one of the most significant contributions to my sexual development in subsequent years.

Without going into too many more unnecessary details, my sexuality was affected from an early age, apparently with my mother as a major player. And, yes It is funny to see how people who— we hope—will us the best, yet end up being those who hurt us most, namely, among others, our parents. This is probably only because they themselves were not able to digest their own issues, which therefore get passed on to the next generation.

It was first later that I became aware of many of the aspects I describe here, unfortunately. It is like how smart we are when we are looking backwards...

A Sexually Highly Motivated Boy

I must have been a very sexually motivated boy because I defied my mother's crusade against masturbation, though it was a great challenge. That is—in spite of her desire to get me to behave properly—she did not managed to get me not to do it, and anyway, she affected me so much that I felt guilty every time I did it. In that way, none of us got anything good out of it.

I was a very shy boy, which probably contributed to the fact that I did not get so many girlfriends (it took me until I was 23 years old to finally meet my first girlfriend in the "biblical" sense, and even that took a three-month "Small Prince and the fox" process to get there).

Caught Between Mom and Dad

Although I do not clearly remember it, I was steeped in my mother's near-hatred of some aspects of sexuality, well, maybe all of it, just because she had suffered under my father's abusive behavior. I heard her often say that he had irreparably hurt her in her body and in her soul, which is understandable considering her religious upbringing.

Without knowing it, I was brought up with the idea that men are real pigs who exploit women for sex (sex was in the first place not something respectable women would care about). And because I was the only boy in the family, so I had at all cost to be prevented from becoming like my father.

On the one hand, I had a father who despised women in general, and my mother and my sisters in particular (I should have been the first child, and preferably the only one); a father who was violent (though thankfully neither he nor my mother followed in the drinking tracks of their respective fathers), and probably expected that my mother should be available to be fucked whenever he felt like it. And on the other hand, I had a mother who despised men in general (remember "Contempt of Archetypal Dimension" from "History"), and me in particular, and because I was after all a small copy of her husband, so I had to pay for his misdeeds.

It was in that kind of environment I grew up and developed myself.

The Battle Between Desire and Guilt

I clearly remember from this period the eternal struggle I was caught in between my sexual drive—that inevitably brought me to masturbate—and the strong feelings of guilt that took me right after the deed was done, again and again. I tried to delay the transgression as much as I could, and yet, desire came again and I had to do it. My pondering about this vicious circle was later in my life the cause of one of the most important revelations I have had about myself. More on that later.

Then came my first sexual relation, finally!

Below, you can find some detailed descriptions of the first four relationships in my life. You can click on the names to see the details and hide them again...

Jenny (Show)

Jenny and I met in September 1977 on the AF Chapman, that beautiful hostel-ship permanently anchored in Stokholm' s harbor. She was from the United States. After some months, about which you may read more details here, we became lovers.

During my engineering studies, I got the opportunity to go to a technology conference in Linköping, Sweden in April 1977. I went to the conference with a friend from engineering school, Ole. Ole will play an important role later on.

We took the train from Copenhagen to Linköping, and in Helsingborg, we ran into a Swedish woman, Ann, with whom I fell in love. My love for Ann—which incidentally was a few years older than us and had absolutely no romantic interest in me—did that when I came back home from the conference, I started learning Swedish, which I intensively practiced in the next few months, instead of taking care of my engineering studies...

This meant that in Septemberthat year, I could speak enough Swedish to travel back to Sweden with Interrail, and the intention to find Ann again. That is how I ended up on the AF Chapman.

When I look back on my life I can see that there are some clear "red threads" (in most cases) that have brought me from place to place, so that I end up where I am today. More on this later...

I find myself on the deck of AF Chapman on a wonderful evening in September 1977 and then comes a woman towards me.

My English was very bad at that time (I had first started to learn it a year earlier), and our first exchange was somewhat sluggish. She asked me: "Do you like yogurt?". I could not understand what she said. She repeated the question several times, in vain. Eventually she waved the cup in front of my nose, and then I understood.

Well, then we fell into a conversation. She had to travel further this evening, and I went with her to the train station.

We agreed that she would visit me in Toulouse—where I studied engineering—the following spring.

She did, in February 1978. The idea was that she would visit me for a little while (we had not agreed on anything specific about the length of her stay) and that she should stay with me.

I can still remember the frightened look on her face when I opened the door to my small dorm room that was just wide enough for a bed and a small passage to the desk at the end, and the toilet was in a common room in the hallway. It suddenly dawned on her that she was trapped in a very small room with a man.

One good thing I can say about my mother is that she raised me to be gallant. I alleviated Jenny's panic right away by saying that I would sleep on the floor and she was welcome to use the bed.

It was during the next two to three months that the "Little Prince and the Fox" process took place: night after night, we talked about various subjects, and little by little, I sat closer and closer to her on the edge of the bed.

Finally, a wonderful evening, it was clear that she and I were to do something other than talk. I was very excited because it was my first time.

At that moment—and it was only much later that it dawned on me what it really meant—when she looked at my naked body, she gave me the first and for a long time the biggest compliment of my life, although it was said in a frightened tone. She said: "It's never gonna fit!"

Oh no, I thought, there must be something wrong with me!

It turned out that no, there was nothing wrong with me, not in that way, anyway, and, as I recall, it did fit well enough...

Well, I was finally a man, as some put it. Something—sex—I had longed so much for for so many years, was finally part of my life.

The joy did not last for so long, however, because it turned out quickly that I to a large extend was a premature ejaculator. It took a little while to realize that it apparently could not get better, no matter how much I tried.

Too Little Experience

Jenny had only had another boyfriend before me. It meant that she was not so experienced either. And she clearly had her own family history that had not made her sexuality into something specially thriving. It took her for example an eternity to reach orgasm when I stimulated her, that is by means other than my cock because it failed repeatedly. So I was became rather good at licking and other ways to satisfy a woman. In that way, my time with Jenny was a big learning process. Think, sometimes I licked her for 45 minutes, and then I heard a little sigh, which I assumed was an orgasm!

Although I over the years have heard a lot about how selfish men are in their sexuality, satisfying my partner has always been a high priority for me.

Because Jenny had so little experience, and because I've always been the kind of person who is willing to take the blame (it was then, now "blame" is no longer a term that I use) for anything, so we agreed that it was all my fault. She even confirmed to me that it was true, my sperm smelled bad (I've never liked the smell of sperm)!

It must also be said—if it not already is a foregone conclusion—that because of my family history, I was not the easiest person to be with.

I was deeply depressed about the fact that sex, which I had looked forward to for such a long time, turned out to be something I was not good at!

Sex Role model

Meanwhile, Ole (he was introduced in the previous "hidden" section) found himself a girlfriend, Sylvia, and had married her. It looked as if their sex life was absolutely fantastic, and I heard about how they explored various situations with other women and men and couples. All this was far beyond my possibilities.

Ole was my best friend in Toulouse (I have not had so many close friends in my life), and we talked about our male subjects. He knew that my sex life with Jennywas miserable, and the reason for it.

Sometimes he and Sylvia invited us to sleep with them, we did not live so far away from each other. At night—with only a rather thin wall between us—after I was done with my poor performance, and Jenny had her sigh-orgasm, we could hear Sylvia scream, during what seemed to be hours. It cut so deeply into me and my self image that I to this day still experiencing a little stab in the heart when I hear other people have sex through the wall (although I am today much more satisfied with my sex life, more on it elsewhere on this page...)

I finished my studies in June 1979, Jenny and I had a plan to move to the USA: She could not speak French, did not seem so motivated to learn it, and the dream of going to America—although I at that time, as any Frenchman with self-respect, despised this "ridiculous country" (thinking of ridiculous, it was only Reagan, who was president, not Donald Duck)—took shape. In addition, it seemed like a good plan to travel to, and conquer the land of opportunities with an electronics engineering diploma in my pocket!

(hide Jenny)

Jenny Is Gone

In June, Jenny flew back to the US, the idea was that she would find us a place to stay and prepare for my arrival (at this point I spoke almost fluent English, thanks to the private lessons: I had been around the clock with Jenny so much that I had been granted an exemption from English at school).

In fact, it ended up that Jenny dumped me right after she had come home. (We had been married the year before, so that she would be allowed to stay in France.)

The last few weeks in June 1979, until then, were the absolute worst period of my life. My depression over not being good enough at sex became deeper, so much that it seemed like my life was over, because what I liked most was apparently not for me.

As the rather intellectual person that I am, I sought refuge in knowledge: I tried to learn as much as possible about women, and especially about their sexuality.

It was in this context that I came across one of the books that have had a huge impact on me, both good and bad, though, as I found out later...

The First Influential Book

The book, "The Nature and Evolution of Female Sexuality", written by Lana Jane Sherfey was the first important book in my life—if we do not take "Love Story" by Eric Segal, that I had been fascinated by as a teenager (so much that I had decided to memorize it; I still remember the first sentence), into consideration!

In the women's liberation movement's spirit took Sherfey distance from Freud's otherwise very popular theory that it is part of a "mature" woman's development to move her pleasure center from the clitoris to the vagina. (See later an idea of how a "mature" man can develop his sexuality...). She felt that this was a way to oppress women: to ensure that their sexuality fit with what men need, namely a place into which they can cram their cock!

This was a good fit with my opinions that women should not be oppressed (I was then quite confused about what it really meant), and gave me also a good reason to believe that intercourse was not as important for a man who respected women and the whole idea was confirmed by the way my mother unconsciously had taught me that it was abusive for a man to want sex from a woman anyway.

I visited Sylvia and Ole quite often during this period and slept at their place sometimes because I was so desperately depressed that they could see that it would do me good to be with someone.

Sound Torture From The Other Side Of The Wall

The price was, however, that I continued to hear them having sex next door, and it cut even deeper in me because I was alone, abandoned; because I had been declared sexually incompetent.

In this period, two important events took place.

The first was fun in a way and showed how practically concrete Ole could be and how he was willing to help if he could.

Semen Quality Control

It was about the smell of my semen. I had told him that Jenny had agreed with me that my semen smelled bad. "Nonsense," he said, "I do not believe it. Semen smells of semen, and that's it. You know what, Sylvia is hospitalized tonight" (Sylvia, after an accident in her childhood, had some skin graft surgery once in a while), "I am going to masturbate. I'll save it and then we can make a smell comparison!"

He was right: Either his smelled just as bad as mine or mine as normal as his. It was a great relief for me. This experiment was an important part of the process that would lead me to the revelation I have mentioned before. More on that later still...

The second event was even more decisive for my life.

An Incomprehensible Offer

The morning after one of the times I slept at their place, Ole came to me from their bedroom and told me that Sylvia wanted to go to bed with me. Often, I had struggled with the way Ole tells some stories, which did that when he spoke about topics that could be either sensitive or could not be confirmed, I would tend to believe that he might be distording reality.

I remarked for him that because Sylvia also knew how miserable a lover I was, so there was no explanation as to why she would want to have sex with me unless she was masochistic!

It became a kind of negotiation. He went back and forth a few times between the living room and the bedroom, and he kept telling me that it was what Sylvia wanted.

I was so hurt after my experience with Jenny that I insisted on saying that it makes no sense; in vain, he/she (?) was saying that it was what was wanted from the other side of the wall!

It Could Not Get Worse

I surprised myself with the following thought, which became an utterance: Fine, it can not get worse, she is warned. So, if she really wants to expose herself to something so pointless, let's get it over with!

Sylvia (Show)

So I went next door, and I lay beside her. What happened next was one of the rare times in my life where I've seen something happen, something good, I would never have thought possible.

As I recall, I came also too soon. What happened after was that I found a way I could tighten my dick (probably related to the very important PC muscle contractions that are an important component of endurance training, more, much more about this topic elsewhere on this site) so I did not lose the erection after I had come.

The result was that I could fuck Sylvia so much and for so long that she was totally surprised. The woman was sexually demanding, I knew it from the other side of the wall. However, being there and being the one who made her cry time after time, was one of the best I had experienced in my life.

Regenerating Triangle

It ended up that I spent the last two to three weeks of my life in France with them. All three of us slept in the same bed. It turned out later that part of the original idea possibly came from Ole because he wanted to explore sex with me, something I could not go for, because at this stage of my life I was both 100% straight and rather homophobic to boot.

Except for that—which Ole and I settled pretty quickly, one day when he expressed his wishes while we lay in bed—that period was something amazing. Ole worked week days, I worked weekends. Sylvia waved goodbye to him every week day, and to me on weekends, and went on to fuck the one that remained in the bed. In the evening, when it was bedtime, she fucked one of us, and after he was done, so she got the other. This was my first encounter with what a (relatively) uninhibited woman's sexuality could offer.

Sylvia Saved My Life

Sylvia saved my life. I remember how I was in this period when I walked on the street: it felt like I was hovering 2 feet above the sidewalk.

Sylvia has been one of the most important women in my life, although some subsequent tragic events came to destroy our opportunities for closeness. They as such had no impact on my sexual development and will therefor not be described here.

(hide Sylvia)

A New Life In a Bigger Frame

I immigrated to the United States on July 19, 1979, although Jenny had tried to prevent me from it because she was afraid that I should go after her to avenge myself. Instead, her best male friend, Steve, accepted to stand for me in relation to the immigration authorities.

My emigration to the United States has probably also indirectly affected all aspects of my life, including my sexuality.

It was a very exciting feeling to land at JFK after my first plane trip ever with an airline I had never heard of before, Maersk! And I was also very excited about my new life.

I had both enthusiasm about moving to so enticing a country, although I still hated the people there; and homesickness about Sylvia, who had shown me that I could be a proper love; and I was sorry that Jenny had dumped me.

I was welcomed by Steve (he committed suicide due to AIDS in 1992, so I can allow myself to use his real name, and yes, the other persons names in this saga were changed as it uses to happen to protect the innocent, although Jane and Anna, my two current girlfriends, have chosen that their real names be used...). As described before, Steve was my sponsor regarding the US immigration authorities , which might already have been just as demanding then as they are now. I had been in contact with Steve for several months before I flew to the United States. Steve was gay and had been in love with me even at that time. For him I was "The Dashing Frenchman". I mentioned earlier that at that time, I was 100% heterosexual, and quite homophobic. My association with Steve—I lived with him and some of his friends in my first months in the US—showed me, that I actually was only 100% hetero, because I had nothing against him because of his sexual orientation. As long as he accepted, which was difficult for him, that I was not interested in men!

The Next Three Relationships

I shall not go into the details of every relationship I've had in my time in the United States. I will just mention some notable episodes that have had a clear impact on my sexual development.

The next three relationships I've had fell under this category, not because these women necessarily ended up figuring on my list of "important women in my life" as such, rather because they contributed to my identity as man, for better or for worse.

Connie (Show)

Connie was probably one of the worst relationships I've had. It was very short-lived. It was bad because I could feel how desperate I was after sex, and so there was a poor wretch of a woman. In the sense that the fact that Connie was a poor black woman, in the United States, had a special meaning as far as social differences are concerned. She took care of a miserable second-hand clothes store in a lousy part of town and slept in the backroom of the store. Although I did not know it at the time, she would have been iconic for "American Pictures", a famous Danish book of pictures about poverty in the US published by Jacob Holdt. There was a woman who wanted me. I could feel that I used her, and I was not happy about it. Even though I had a bad conscience about our relationship, I also feel that I still had some decency back because I did not abuse her sexually, or was it just my imagination that came from my hungry cock...

Our relationship lasted only a few weeks. It was hard for me, ethically.

(hide Connie)

Marnie (Show)

Marnie was Steve's friend and drinking buddy, as he and I visited her quite often. They drank together, sometimes we went out to a disco (I despised nearly all their "social" habits because I was looking for something better, something more noble). Marnie was presented to me as being a lesbian. Therefore she was not part of my "hunting ground" because it was clear to me even then that homosexuality often implied contempt for the opposite sex.

One Sunday night, as happened a few times, the three of us ended up sleeping in Marnie's large round bed. In the morning, without having any particular goal in mind—I was clear about Marnie's choice—I gave her an innocent back massage. At one point she said: "Steve, what you do to me feels so good!" I thought, shit, I am not even aknowledged for what I do. In some way, I tried to make sure that she knew it was me who touched her that way!

Stevehad to go to work this morning (he had inherited/overtaken his mother's kvindetøjsdesign business, "Steede"). Marnie and I remained in bed and it must have to be there, she realized that it was I who touched her so nicely!

To my astonishment, Marnie and I ended up having a sexual relationship. It was strange for me because I had accepted that this woman was not interested in men. There was of course no question of intercourse between us, which gave me a little break from my challenge with premature ejaculation. Instead, I got to practice licking a woman! It was during this process that I got the second biggest compliment about sex, this time not about a physical state, I could not really take credit for, rather around my way of being a man for a woman. Marnie said to me at one point: "It is almost as good to have sex with you as it is with a woman!" I felt very flattered about this comment!

Our relationship lasted a few months.

(hide Marnie)

Donna (Show)

Donna was another of Steve's friends. She was straight and had a mean, nasty, violent boyfriend. When I first came to the United States, we lived all four in the same house in Interlaken, NJ.

Donna, Marnie and Steve formed a close group that went on drinking sprees almost every weekend, while I stared at them at a distance with my bemused contempt for their behavior. Well, I forgot to say that I had been a vegetarian and alcohol-free since my teenage days...

One night when they all had drunk quite a bit, Donna was clearly deeply drunk, which probably was the reason why she made a pass at me. Already back then, I had a "principle" that I would not have anything sexual to do with a woman who was drunk. I responded with all the fun I could, which was not so much. The next day, Donna was totally embarrassed by her own behavior and apologized many times. My response to her was that I actually preferred her the night before because she was an interesting woman, only she could be it without drinking so much.

Until then I had lived in Asbury Park, NJ (South Jersey) with these fine people. In January 1980, I moved to Montclair, North Jersey, because I had gotten my first job as an engineer up there in West Caldwell. I saw them once in a while.

During one of my visits to Asbury Park, during a conversation with Donna—she had finally gotten rid of the nasty boyfriend—we talked again about this evening quite a long time ago. There was obvious mutual attraction between us. Donna was what I call a "Plump Venus", ie a woman who might have a few pounds too many, and yet—or perhaps because of it—has some lovely, round shapes.

We agreed—almost signed a contract about it (it was the only way I could get the shy Donna to act on what she could feel about me)—that the following Saturday, I would bike down to Asbury Park, ca . 60 miles, and then we would drive back home to me in her car, and then we would have sex! Donna "signed" (by that I mean that because I knew it was what she wanted and was just afraid to do it, so I showed her that there was no reason not to do it).

The plan went... according to plan, with some interesting twists, however. The trip down to Asbury Park was beautiful: it was summer and I had a cheeky impression—to this day, I can still have "butterflies in the stomach" when I'm about to meet a new woman when the possibility of sex is present. When I arrived, I could see that Donna wondered how she could have said yes to something so crazy. Several times I asked her if she was still with the plan, and each time I reminded her that she could cancel it all with one single word: "No!" It was important that she was in agreement.

So we packed the bike in the car and drove back to Montclair. I lived in a rented room in a house where I had a view of the WTC towers in the distance—yes, this was long, long before 9/11... The closer we got, the more nervous Donna got. I asked again and again if she wanted this to happen, and the answer was still "Yes." When we got to my room, then reality hit her in the face: "Oh no, what will happen?" At this time, it is almost late afternoon.

Donna began with a clever set of avoidance tactics. However, I was wise enough to see through them, and as long as she did not say no, then I would remind her of what our plan was.

First, she said: "Shall we go down and see the Statue of Liberty?" It was a 16 miles drive, nothing in the United States. Of course we could do it, and so we did it.

We were home again, and the situation had not gone away. Should we buy some beer? Of course we can, as long as you do not drink yourself to oblivion... At this time we sat on the edge of my bed, and the air was getting thicker and thicker. Then, Donna came with the next suggestion: "Should we take a shower?" Great idea, I said. Oops, as I got up to go to the bathroom with her, she said: "Do you mean together?" Yes of course. She hesitated, and could see that it might be ok.

When we were in the shower, and she was about to take the last of her clothes off, she said that we should turn off the lights because she was too fat to look at (and I can promise you that as far as Donna was concerned, the key word in the phrase "Plump Venus" was definitely Venus!). I said wait a minute, picked up some candles, lit them, and turned off the main light. It was fine for her.

Ha, the first moments when the discovery of a new body begins are so fantastic. Donna's body was so nice for me to touch under the warm running water. She felt so embarrassed about it that it almost made me sad (maybe It is me today who says this, maybe I was not mature enough at that time...).

After the shower we went back to my room (I shared bathroom with another tenant, who fortunately was not at home at this point) and laid on the bed. Finally, after many hours of preparations and diversions and avoidance tactics, we were finally where I wanted to be and she still had not said no.

I caressed her, quietly and slowly wandered down her body and licked her. She was like frozen. After quite a long time—I could not help thinking back to my time with Jenny, I could feel a tightening in her abdomen, which I interpreted as an orgasm. I came up to her again and took her in my arms. She motioned to "give back". I told her that it was not necessary. It was so nice to be there with her in my arms.

When I write and read this, I can feel that there are two sides to this story, the side where I am a sweet man who can just give pleasure—which has always been the man I want to be (and for many years I lacked the basis for this dimension, which I however got hold of later, which among other things has given me inspiration to this website)—and the man who also wanted to get pleasure, and was not able to get it, or maybe the circumstances were not the right ones. Maybe I felt that in spite of the fact that Donna had had many opportunities to say no and maybe had not dared to say no, that in that way, because I had been playing cat and mouse with her, so I was guilty of abusing her.

The next day, Donna drove back to Asbury Park and we almost never talked about it again...

(hide Donna)

Time runs on then, while I go on a journey of discovery in this huge, continent-sized country.

There are other relationships in that period, that got exciting beginnings—and at times, fast endings— about which you can read more details below...

Katie (Show)

I knewKatie from my first job as an engineer in the United States. She was secretary. At Thanksgiving 1980, we became lovers, and we lived together for a few months. It was originally planned that she should travel with me after I had saved enough money and bought a VW-Volkswagen van.

The apartment we rented was so miserable that I sometimes chose, especially in summer, to sleep in the van, which had a fine bed. It also gave me a taste of what it would be to travel away and live in it.

Katie was one of the loudest (sexually) women I have known. It was amazing how much she could scream when she got orgasms!

A beautiful summer night we slept in the van, and we had sex as we used to, which meant that Katie screamed, as she used to.

After we were finished and enjoyed lying in each other's arms, I suddenly noticed some flashing lights outside, lights with very well-known colors: red and blue …

Yes, it was the police, and it looked as if they were very close to us. Before I knew it, there was a knock on the sliding door with a simultaneous strong request to open. I hurried to get some clothes on, opened the sliding door and was greeted by a police officer who looked rather worried. He asked us what we were doing there. I explained that we lived just around the corner (the van stood on a small piece of land that belonged to the property). He asked to look inside, although it was beginning to dawn on him what was going on.

He went on to explain to us that the police had received a telephone call about someone being murdered. I pointed to Katie to show him that she was unharmed, and explained with a small grin that she had perhaps been a bit noisy.

The policeman walked away with a request (well, when it comes from a policeman it means an order) that we would not do something like that again...

(hide Katie)

Carry (Show)

Carry has been one of the "important" women in my life. With important women, I mean women who either have clearly contributed something special for me, or/and women with whom I have had a longer relationship than the famous/infamous "one-night-stand". Long-term relationships of a kind that has meant something special.

The way I met Carry was very special. It was in September 1981, I traveled and lived in my white 1972 "VW-van" as a true hippie—although by this time I had not yet tried to take drugs, and you may be disappointed when you read that I only have tried it once. It is in a way my life story: No matter where I've been, I have felt beside the local culture. I express it in a funny way by saying that I was thrown out of France because I neither ate meat nor drank wine!

I was in New Orleans, biking into town. I found the tourist information office, which was surrounded by a white picket fence with an gate in the middle where people could enter the building through the garden.

I locked my bike on the one side of the gate and noticed that there was a second rider—the best kind, a woman—who was locking hers on the other side. We could almost not avoid walking together to the door, and then we started talking. Just like people who take a walk with their dogs find it easy to meet other dog people, cyclists, even more perhaps when they are of different genders, have a tendency to pay attention to each other and start a conversation, first about cycling topics and perhaps, later, about something else...

Carry was a special woman, both very feminin—she had, among others, very long, red hair (it was quite unusual in the 1980s in the United States) nicely put in a fine braid—and yet a bit of manliness in her behavior.

We were clearly very interested in each other. After we had gotten the information that we each wanted, we went out and agreed that I would visit her at her hotel this evening. I do not remember whether we had sex that evening. What we agreed was that she would spend the rest of her vacation with me.

We drove to a great place south of New Orleans, Grand Isle, where we stayed in the van at the beach and bathed in muddy water that was as warm as in a bathtub, and where small shrimps softly bit us. Otherwise, we made love.

(hide Carry)

Beatrix (Show)

February 1984. I was visiting Tempe, Arizona, where I had lived some years before. Therefore I knew the city and I knew where I could find a health food store, "Gentle Strength" (don't go and look for it, it has gone out of business long ago...), which was the place where "my kind" of people met to buy groceries, etc.

It felt strange, being demoted from inhabitant to tourist in one's "own" city!

When I was ready to pay for my purchases, I noticed that the woman at the checkout seemed sweet. I had the time, and she was not too busy—it was late afternoon—so we could afford to speak a little more than if I just payed and on with my life. For me, otherwise very shy, it was easy to speak, because I could tell her that I used to live here, and so on. It was obvious that we liked each other from the start, funny how things happen sometimes...

We talked for quite a while, and because we knew that I drove on to California the next day, so we should consider what we dared to do about the situation.

She was not that shy herself, and we challenged each other with words and suggestions about what we could do. She had to work a few more hours. We ended up agreeing to meet at the top of the "A-Mountain," the little mountain with an uppercase "A" written on it (A for Arizona State, the University of Phoenix), after she had finished. The mountain was just behind the store.

I went on with the day's chores, while I looked forward to this unusual encounter with a woman, a new woman, which repeatedly gives butterflies in the stomach, so many possibilities, as it seems to be.

I climbed up the mountain (at that time they did not have the easy path that now allows better access) and sat up there and looked at the city lights and life, while I tried to see if she was coming up.

It was nice and warm, and we were up there for a while, and talked, and touched each other. We agreed to spend the rest of the night at her place, not far from the store.

Technically, it became one of the above-mentioned "one-night-stands," however, it was out of necessity: I traveled on the next day. I remember this night as one of the most beautiful in my life.

Beatrix was fish, astrologically speaking, and it is said that fish and the scorpion can have very beautiful sex. I could feel it. Our lovemaking was very quiet, very fluid. I remember in particular the hours after "we were finished," where she lay on my shoulder, half sleepy while I looked up to the large ceiling fan that vaguely sent air toward us, and the music—zen flute music—rocked us to sleep.

We never saw each other again, and she is one of the women from the past I would like to see again.

(hide Beatrix)

Elena (Show)

At the end of 1984 (I still lived in the US at that time), I traveled to Europe for about 6 months. While I was there, I got a letter from Elena, who was my best friend Carl's girlfriend and wife actually (I suppose that they were married, so he was allowed to stay in the US). This letter is one of the letters I wished I had saved, so I could check whether the way I interpreted it at the time was real.

From the letter, between the lines, I got a very strong impression that the woman wanted me. It was very overwhelming, so much so that when I came back to the United States—I should visit them anyway—I decided to investigate the issue. Then I asked her if there was anything about my suspicions. And yes, there was, she confirmed!

Oops, there I had a problem: A woman who wanted me, and she unfortunately was married to my best friend! We talked about it and she thought we "just" could do whatever we wanted, and he did not need know about it after a very popular recipe that says: "They can't get hurt by what they don't know!"

Here I must admit, if it is not already obvious, that I am a man who has a hard time saying no to a woman who wants him, especially out of the blue!

I told her that it was not acceptable for me for her to just cheat on him. So I told her that if we were to do something together, he would have to know about it, and it would have be before we did it, not after. She was not so much for it, and she had to accept it because I would not compromise.

I still remember clearly this drive on gravel roads in Arkansas, where he drove the car and she sat next to him while I was in the back seat. Then I came with it, and told him that she and I had decided to have sex together, and that he should be informed about it. I can see that it must have been hard for him to have to receive such a message that made him totally impotent, powerless.

He was so emotionally upset that it became in the first place almost dangerous for us three, considering that he was the one who drove the car. He screamed that if we did it, then he would not be my friend anymore.

I could feel a distinct clarity on the matter: I was ready to accept this threat and did not let it change what I should do. I do not remember whether it was already there or later, I thought, well, if our friendship is worth something, then he will come back, otherwise it was not.

It must also be said (to my defense, perhaps!) that I had known her for a few years, and that I initially could not stand her because she seemed like a talking head, and I could not understand that Carl, who is a very quiet man, could stand being with her!

When it dawned on him that he could not stop us, then he said that it certainly was not going to happen at their place. We went to a nice warm lake nearby, where it was so great to be in the water and have sex!

Whether it was worth it is a different story. I heard nothing from him for about 6 months, which was the time he needed to lick his wounds. Their relationship was over not long after. In a way I felt also that the episode had helped them to get out of it faster, I could almost have considered it as a community service!

So he contacted me again, I was in Alaska at this time, and we resumed our friendship. However, there was from his side something that was never healed again, because we could never talk about it.

This episode has been important for me because it has shown me that I was able to assess by myself which of my actions are acceptable, and not let others decide for me. And not to forget ethics, although some readers will doubt it. Well, It is my life, I write about.

(hide Elena)

Sonia (Show)

In autumn 1984, Leonard and I were on our way to the Grand Canyon Havasupai Reservation (a slightly less well known part of the Grand Canyon, which is under the control of the local Indian population and offers a magnificent specimen of a limestone waterfall, like those found in Plitvice in Croatia). He drove in his van, also a VW, like the one I had myself, just a little older and in little less good condition.

On the way to the place where the path began, we stopped in Flagstaff to shop. It was late in the year, November or so. Just for fun we went in a second-hand store. By coincidence, a woman hold the door for us when we went in and all three of us noticed each other. From the moment we saw the woman, it was a kind of race between Leonard and I to find out who Sonia showed most interest for. Because she was clearly interested in both the two men who came from far away. It must be said that Flagstaff is a small town where there is not a great deal happening. And we two, with our long hair, did not look like many of the local men.

We walked in, looked around a bit, especially at Sonia and when we went out, we exchanged phone numbers with her, which people in the US have a tendency to do very quickly, although it is rarely more than a piece of paper in a pocket that will probably be thrown out later.

Then came the accident...

It was very cold on the Coconino Plateau, north of Flagstaff, as we drove on a dirt road that would take us to the beginning of the path. And it was soon getting dark.

We came to a curve in the road. I sat next to Leonard, his dog was behind us, along with a multitude of tools that lay here and there.

Now, I repeat that I drove the same kind of van, which meant that I had a good idea of what was going on from the passenger seat.

I looked at the approaching curve, and I began to think—it could even be that my body was the first to "think"—as follows: "If he does not slow down, we don't make it through this curve!"

Leonard did not brake... and we did not make it through the bend, at least not in the way we expected. Leonard lost control of the vehicle, which, as in slow motion, rolled one complete turn. Under this after all rather short event, I could hear tool that started flying around the cabin. The strength of the turn got the back door to open, and the dog was hurled out through the opening, and its howling joined the already chaotic accident melody.

Our first big luck that day was that the vehicle landed on its wheels, and still on the road, instead of on the side or the roof and in the ditch! Next, that neither of us had been injured. The dog, however, we could hear wailing 10-15 feet behind where we stopped, and from this point, Leonard, who was very attached to Spirit, got quite busy to see how the dog was doing.

I went in "situation-assesment-mode": I could see that we were in a rather precarious situation—it was cold, almost night, many miles from "civilization" and we had a wounded dog.

Without needing to talk about it, the distribution of tasks was immediate: Leonard was with the dog while I investigated how serious the situation really was.

The first alarm bell was that I could hear a sound undoubtedly indicating that a liquid was evaporating in contact with something hot. Yes, it could only be the battery (which I knew beforehand was loose in the rear compartment when the engine is also to be found). It had obviously been punctured during the accident, and was losing all its precious liquid, a hazardous mixture of water and strong acid.

Luckily, Leonard had plenty of various tape. I got hold of the battery, and gave it a tape patch. It had not lost too much of its life—giving liquid.

Next was that the windshield, that although it was still in one piece, was completely smashed and had hopped out of where it belonged. It could come back into place and be fastened with tape. The top—this vehicle was the version called "Poptop", ie it has a lid that can be raised so someone can sleep up there, a top is made of fiberglass—had gotten loose and could be tied again. The same rope was also used to bind the driver's door shut: it could no longer be closed, because the entire frame of the vehicle had been twisted by the accident. Otherwise everything was fine. Tools—including some pretty dangerous sharps saws, drills and the like—had also been thrown out the back door during the accident, along with virtually everything else that lay there.

The next tense moment came when I tried to restart the engine. This would be crucial for our next few hours, to say the least. The motor did not need to be coaxed so much and started almost at the first attempt.

It must have been at this point—to our surprise—that a pickup truck came along on the dirt road. The driver was informed of what had happened, and when we talked about the dog—she howled so much that it would have been difficult not to notice her presence—the man said, very soberly, that he could see that the dog was too injured to survive, therefore, it did not make sense to let her needlessly suffer any more, and he went to retrieve his gun, which in this area always hung very visible on a rack in the cabin. He wanted to shoot her for us!

Leonard could not tolerate the idea and said a polite no thank you for the offer, though the man insisted. The dog was rescued, and it was good because I heard several months later that although she now limped, she survived the accident well, and went on to live for a few years, even.

At long last we were ready, and it was obvious that the Havasupai trip was canceled for this time. We turned the nose back toward Flagstaff and began to freeze: It was night, it was winter, and the windshield was very leaky!

After so many exciting events we thought it would not be so much fun to have to drive all of the 250 miles back to Phoenix! So we remembered that we had this sweet woman's telephone number in Flagstaff. Well, we just had to call her and see if we could stay with her until the next day where we could better envision the drive back to Phoenix.

Sonia was surprised to hear from us so late at night and we were very apologetic and explained that this was some kind of an emergency. There was a hindrance on her part, however. She lived in a trailer park where pets was absolutely forbidden. It took a lot of sweet talk from Leonard to persuade her that we could very discreetly sneak the poor dog in, and that we would go very early the next morning. She gave in and we were allowed to come in, men and dog.

Sonia lived in a nice little trailer in a nice little park on the outskirts of the city.

We were offered tea and were allowed to sleep in the living room, Leonard with his dog, which still had it really bad.

The next day, Leonard and I got a motel room so that we could relax a bit and find out what we should do. Leonard had to take the dog to a veterinarian, so the worst thing was sorted.

Until then, the weather had been dry, though cold. The next night, it snowed, and I woke up to a beautiful landscape, a white, silent world. I love snow (I grew up in southern France, where snow was a rare occurrence up on Mount Faron that lay behind Toulon).

I was so excited that I went out. Leonard was still asleep. I decided to walk over to where Sonia lived, it was not that long a jaunt, especially in crisp, virgin snow.

When I came near her place I walked around the trailer. I could just as well have resembled a stalker, now that I think of it. I looked up at her bedroom window, wondering whether she was awake. At exactly the same time, I got so frightened because Sonia's face suddenly popped up in the window. She looked at me a little puzzled, and when she recognized me, I was allowed to enter.

I can imagine that it was this visit that began to determine which of Leonard and I was to win our competition for Sonia. Leonard came later, and it was decided that he would drive back to Phoenix alone because Sonia and I had decided that I was to stay with her...

This is maybe as good a place as any to note or highlight—if you have not noticed it—that even though this section is about my sexual history, so it is still not full of erotic—pornographic for some, more about the distinction between eroticism and pornography elsewhere on this page—scenes. It is different because the circumstances that have led me to a relationship have sometimes been as exciting as the raw action that comes out of it. Sex—hopefully—we have all tried. Special encounters is another question.

That being said, there was very good sex with Sonia, both for the better and the worse, in several ways...

Something funny, that has always puzzled me since that time is: was it because Sonia was jew and that I was "gentile", and therefore not circumcised, that Sonia and I never had intercourse, and we never talked about the. My interpretation was that I somehow was not good enough for her to it. I was not "clean" enough.

Something good did come out of it, however: because of my tense relationship with intercourse, sex with her was very liberating. There was much mutual licking, and something else that I have rarely experienced since: sometimes, we scratched each other on the back, so much that we left bloody trails that, after we had finished, hurt. It was so great!

Other circumstances did that our relationship lasted only a few weeks...

(hide Sonia)

Kim (Show)

October 1985. I was on my way from Los Angeles to Boston, and drove a 12-passenger bus with another 12 passenger bus in tow (I was a tour guide, and vehicles had to be returned home after the season). Along the way, I visited my best friend Carlin Hot Springs, Arkansas with his wife Elena.

One afternoon, they took me on a walk in nature, and one of their friends came by, Kim. Kim was scorpion like me, and although I do not take astrology as a religion, life has shown me that there are some aspects of it that are worth taking into consideration, especially about how some characters attract other characters. Maybe it was the reason why Kim and I almost immediately liked each other, without talking so much about it.

I still remember so clearly how on the way back from the trip—Kim and I sat in the back seat of the car—we talked about movies. At one time, said Kim "Have you seen Body Heat?"—which I think is a fantastic erotic film. I do not know if it was already a part of our seduction dance from her side. My reaction was immediate: I strongly grabbed her thigh with my hand, as if I were burying claws into it. That night we were in bed together.

Sex with Kim was very coarse, raw (not with a negative connotation for any of these two words). It was liberating for me to have sex with a woman who clearly liked what reportedly is a hallmark of scorpions: My own brief description is that we have a passion for life, death, and dirt and excrements.

Kim had also, curiously enough, a rather difficult history, and bar many scars from it. Our relationship, in part because I was someone who drove on in a moment, lasted only the time I was there.

(hide Kim)

Laura (Show)

The way I have met my children's mother deserves fortunately to be in this department. More because our meeting was part of the strongest "red threads" I see in my life, when I look in the rearview mirror...

In June 1983 I was back in Phoenix, Arizona, to visit, though without the van, that nicely waited for me in San Francisco. I had to find transportation to get to it.

The US offer a unique way to travel, called "Drive Away". The concept is simple and requires a great country to make sense: Imagine someone who moves from New York to Los Angeles. That person has a car—who does not have one in the United States, particularly among those who can afford to move from coast to coast—and does not want to drive the whole almost 3,000 miles.

The person contacts a drive-away office, which finds someone who happens to want to drive a car from New York to Los Angeles. The conditions are pretty simple: The driver gets a certain number of days to run the trip, a particular route that in theory has to be followed, and usually the first tank of fuel for free. In the '80s, when gasoline was so cheap in the US, it was a very good way to travel. The deadline was reasonable enough—it would not benefit anyone stressing the driver by forcing them to drive too many miles each day—which meant that it was possible to see something of the country (and, if you dared to deviate from the assigned route, as I did, there was much more, you could see!).

So I came into Phoenix's drive-away office. In front of me in the queue was a woman who, I heard, also wanted to get a car to San Francisco. I could also see that the woman was from Denmark. I had after all learned something Swedish some years before (see section about Jenny), and this was a good enough opportunity for me to defy my otherwise pathological shyness towards women. I began to talk to her in my approximate and accent-tinged Swedish and mentioned that we might be able to find a car together. It made it easier to say to her that I lived here, and that I knew many beautiful places on the way that would not be so bad for her to see (when I have a good angle, I can really "sell" myself and what I can offer!).

The woman, Laura, liked the idea, and we got a car to San Francisco. She had just arrived from Boston with another drive-away car, which she had driven with a man and another woman, a French woman. The French woman was to come with us.

I did my best to impress them, especially Laura, actually, because it turned out very quickly that the French woman was so boring that I almost remember nothing about her. Although we drove through some very scenic landscapes, she slept most the time.

It was pretty easy because I was in my element. We drove from Phoenix in the afternoon. I took them on a little detour on the banks of the Colorado River, where I prepared one of my specialties for them: guacamole. It was a big hit.

The trip to San Francisco was—for me—a quite usual visit to several very beautiful places that I was very happy to show them (although the French woman preferred to sleep instead of watching Jashua Tree National Park, for example!)

In San Francisco we finally got rid of the French woman. I had told Laura that I was going to Berkeley—one of California's hippie capitals—to retrieve my vehicle so I could continue towards my ultimate goal, Seattle, Washington. I offered her to go on with me because she also wanted to go that way. So we did. We did not miss the French woman.

I was a little excited, because now I was alone on a long road trip with a foreign woman.

We were the most odd couple I could imagine: I was the wild hippy Frenchman who lived in his van and had tried a little of all (except substances, must it be said, until that point, anyway...), and she was—besides being a few years younger than me—quite ignorant about the big world. She was, as far as I understood, in a kind of sect, or at least in a strange context, which made for her, classical music was the only kind of music worth listening to. I could quickly see that she had many prejudices, most of them about topics she did not know so much about in the first place.

As a result, the more miles we drove, the more I did my best to provoke her and her strikingly narrow view of the world. Whatever we talked about, we disagree, and her thoughts seemed always to go back to the rules she had learned to live by in her "sect". She hated that name, I used to talk about her philosophy called anthroposophy.

I remember one day when we were on the Oregon Coast and we had stopped to look at the Pacific Ocean. There was a wall along the road, shoulder-heigh. I found an old key on the asphalt, and put it on the wall while I said to her: Well, I consider this as art. She did not like it so much.

Our interaction in the next week was more and more tense, because of our huge differences in outlook and yet we experienced some interesting situations. North of San Francisco, we went to the beach around Point Reyes and swam among seals. I remember one of our many walks on the beach where we were so angry with each other that we went separately, and the beach was not big enough for both of us.

And all the while, I was attracted to her and probably she to me. We traveled the whole of two weeks, before anything happened between us, even though we slept at night next to each other in the van, where I always did my best not to touch her by mistake.

It first happened one night when we had reached the Olympic National Park Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center, on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. It was clearly colder up there than when we had been on the coast. That must have been why I suddenly felt a foot, hers, getting close to mine in my sleeping bag, and touching it. I would never have taken the initiative for such a thing, so conditioned and scared I was from my upbringing about showing a woman, whose opinion on the matter I did not know yet, that I had a sexual interest in her. And then I was also afraid of being rejected.

Then we started having sex. Two weeks into the trip, with about a week to go, well done! Not to say that it made our relationship easier. We remained equally of different opinions about just everything.

We traveled a little more together, including to the north of Vancouver, Whistler, where we had the opportunity to spend a night in a very special house built by a quite famous architect. Shortly after she had to return home to Denmark. Unlike some of the other relationships that were limited by similar circumstances, for instance that I had to move on, our paths crossed again later, so much that she became the mother of my children (well, I have to write my last two children...)

(hide Laura)

Bonnie (Show)

Seattle, Wa is the city where I have lived longest in the US, and It is my favorite city in North America, just after Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada.

I was there in the middle of the 80's. At that time, I lived on Queen Ann Hill, with a man I had met when I was a tour guide.

Just down the street from the house was a cultural center where I joined a Tai Chi course, Wu Style.

We were maybe 6 students, and one of my fellow students, Bonnie, was a cute blond woman with short hair. It turned out very quickly that we two liked each other and practicing "Push Hands" with her did not make it worse. It already almost felt as good as sex.

It was not long before we became more for each other. The first time we went to bed together, I crawled into her bedroom through the rear window (she lived on the first floor). She had a sweet cat, who thought that this kind of behavior perhaps was a bit steep. However, I was forgiven by Greta after a while.

(hide Bonnie)

From relationship to relationship, there was something that did not get better: I was still a premature ejaculator. Most women were very sweet and accepting, which did not help, because no matter the fine utterances—"It is fine, we can do something else!"; or, even worse: "I do not always have to have an orgasm, it should not be a race!" etc.,—no matter what they said, I knew there was something I could not, and that it was they, who suffered from it. The belief that sexual intercourse was part of the oppression of women could not really be used for so much: I could see that it could not address my desire to be able to make love with a woman properly!

A Good Book Gathers Dust

Here is a small detail that many years later proved to be very important: at some point in the 80's, I read a book on Taoism, where it was written that a man can control his ejaculations. When I first read it, I thought that there was hope. And yet, no matter how much I tried, I could not do it because I could feel that there was an invincible force that came from inside of me, and who took over any attempt to postpone the inevitable. I was therefore more and more convinced that my premature ejaculations was something I had to live with for the rest of my life.

Another very interesting "detail" appeared in the same period: The revelation I have mentioned a few times before on this page...

It is funny to see how we can suddenly become aware of something we until then did not know, and yet seems so self-evident when we look in the rearview mirror with its smartness!

A Great Revelation

After way too many years, without any special circumstances that I can remember, it dawned on me that there was an obvious reason for my not liking the smell of semen! It was about no less than conditioning. The conditioning that has been associated with the name "Pavlov", and his dogs.

Pavlov, at the beginning of the 1900's, got dogs to salivate when they heard a bell, and only heard the bell, after having associated the sound of the bell with the presence of food.

I understood that it was the same, the repeated times I masturbated as a boy. There was namely two things that always happened at the same time after I had finished the abominable act: guilt and shame at having defied my mother's prohibition against masturbation fell over me, and the smell of the semen that had just come out of me filled the room. I transferred the negativity caused by guilt and shame to the smell of semen!

Later on I am going to describe how the story did not stop there, and how I could turn a rather bad situation into something very beneficial.

The fact that I became so much more aware about such an intimate detail of my sex life did not help me in bed, though, because I for one still could not stand the smell of semen (and still do not really like it so much today... ), and for another because I still came too soon. It would require other kinds of revelations to lead me to a place where my sex life could significantly improve.

A New Beginning Is Preparing Itself

Then came one of the most important turning points in my life for 13-14 years ago. A French female friend who I had known for many years, and who became my girlfriend a few years before (our relationship was anything but easy, and on top of that we did not see each other very often as she lived in France and I lived in Denmark) visited me. It was summer, and we could borrow a cottage in Vejby, in Northern Sealand, where we spent a weekend together.

I must have been ready to try something else because I decided that I should not have any ejaculations all weekend, which almost meant that for safety, we most probably should not have intercourse...
See my present, where the story continues...

What Are We Going to Do About It!

A New Beginning Started

This decision was the cause of another major revelation: something I before in my life had called frustration, that is to end sex without ejaculating, suddenly instead turned to being able to notice just how alive I felt, especially by feeling desire in my cock that was stiff virtually the entire weekend! We made love a lot, and the experience was very rewarding for me.

Sisyphus' Ejaculations

If I take a step back and reflect on how my experiences had been until then, I could start to see a pattern which—although it had been hidden from me in all the years—was so clear: A man who just ejaculated, even though he feels saturated and happy thanks to all the wonderful chemicals that flow through his brain—does not actually feel so good, because he does not have any more desire.

We men have, by nature (or perhaps from Nature's strong pressure!)—because our purpose is to hand over a few cubic milliliter of semen in a vagina—an urge to do it. We have probably been conditioned to believe that this is it and how it should be, especially in a culture where too few men know that orgasmic pleasure—which is basically what we want— does not necessarily have to be accompanied or followed by an ejaculation. Ejaculations are straining and unnecessary, except when the purpose with sex is to procreate, which after all is an infinitesimal part of the time we have sex, when you think about it, otherwise, the planet would be many times more overcrowded than it already is.

Concrete Motivation

That weekend gave me a new kind of motivation, the famous carrot: I could begin to see meaning in not having ejaculations, because I actually got more enjoyment out of the time I was excited, and then I could spend more time touching a woman's body in a state of desire instead of sometimes—the times after I had had an ejaculation—doing it out of duty towards the woman my condition had failed in the first place!

Because it must be mentioned here that alongside having known women who had difficulty achieving orgasm—or could only get one at a time, among others because they expressed that it hurt "there" if they continued to be touched after they had an orgasm—or even plainly meant that it was enough with one, I also got the opportunity to know women whose sexuality turned out to be in the direction of what I had read in some books: female sexuality is essentially limited only by... male sexuality!

I even found out that some women could, with enough of the right kind of attention, shift the focus from "Now it hurts here!" to "Now I want more here!" To put it another way, there may also be a part of conditioning in women about what their body can and cannot do.

While this may be unpopular to say in some circles, I am convinced that any woman who manages to use her clitoris diligently, will find that it is able to give her pleasure time after time after time!

Knowledge Based On Experience

Therefore, it is most obvious to me that my exploration of my own sexuality and that of the women who are involved in it, is the basis for my being able to present this material.

The most important part (is the most important part of an iceberg the part we can see just because it is visible and near us!) of my process began over 12 years ago, during my relationship with Rianna.


The most curious thing about my relationship with Rianna—especially considering how much I've learned from it—is that Rianna was by no means the kind of person I could have dreamed of. You know, a very conscious woman who could have shown me the way, a kind of mentor. No, she was an ordinary, normal woman, whatever that means. The most important was that Rianna was undoubtedly entirely motivated by sex. If I wrote "obsessed" so it would sound negative. She simply wanted to have sex as much as possible, and the best thing for her was just... intercourse, which was exactly where I was most sensitive. My sensitivity was actually not only about my inability to keep my ejaculations back, no, there was also a second factor, the factor Rianna managed to cure me of: after all these years, I still was not sure whether it was in order for me to want to have intercourse with a woman, because my mother's voice still pursued me with her old words: "You should not!", "It is a lack of respect!", "It is almost rape!", and so on. Although I did not consciously thought about it so much, the voice was there, and it affected me. I wonder how much it also affected my performance, and possibly partly caused the fact that I got premature ejaculations...


Conditioning can happen both ways, fortunately. Through being presented with a woman who absolutely always wanted to have sex, time after time after time, I could only end up accepting that it had to be ok!

This meant that we had a lot of sex. And because I was again motivated to try to take on the subject of ejaculations, I got the chance to try it again and again. With a diminishing portion of guilt about sex and intercourse, I got more energy. And Rianna was my lifeboat: she was so willing and dedicated.

As the times I had tried it before, I could feel that it seems to be almost impossible to control ejaculations. It helped to know that Rianna understood my reasons for wanting this change, so we were in this together.

I took the book I had ignored for so many years out again. There it was written that it should be relatively easy to achieve my purpose, using some "simple" exercises, including pelvic floor exercises. I saw that the book underestimated how hard it was—maybe it was because I was not teachable, or too lazy, or not motivated enough, more self-blame...

One of the ways the book recommended zqs to stimulate myself—with ontrolled masturbation—as close as I could get to the famous "point of no return", the point where ejaculation can no longer be stopped, because nature takes over.

It may have been because of my story about masturbation that I did not like this method so much. I preferred to try to fuck Rianna as long as I could and try everything I could to prevent sperm from gushing out of me. I/we kept an eye on developments. There were many "accidents" along the way, and every time I got an ejaculation, so it was like resetting the clock and starting all over again, because the hard work lay in feeling sex when I was very excited. It is during this process that I became more aware of the vicious circle men are trapped in without realizing it, where we get excited, have sex, ejaculate, come all the way down and start from scratch every time.

Weaning From Ejaculations

After a few years of this kind of regime—sex, sex and more sex, much of it intercourse—I began to feel that maybe I did not get as many ejaculations as I thought I did. The feeling was the same, with perhaps the small difference—actually a big difference that was very revealing: I got more and more appetite for sex, more than ever before in my life.

Rianna was so helpful that she sometimes after intercourse stuffed a finger into her vagina, smelled it and said, "No, no semen here!," even though I often was convinced that I had had an ejaculation! I was amazed at how strong patterns hold, and how little I was able to notice what was happening in my own body. On the other hand, after so many years experiencing the same feelings—especially about something so... sensitive as the final stage of intercourse—it was perhaps not surprising that I expected more concrete evidence that I could suddenly something I for so many years had accepted that I would never be able to do!

I got indirect evidence that there had to be a change, because of my increasing desire that appeared in two related ways: On the one hand, I was less "lightly depressed" after intercourse—no wonder there, when we have seen that the slump is caused by an ejaculation, not an orgasm!—which means I could feel the energy in my body, and especially in my cock; and on the other hand—which is actually a logical extension of the first—when I wanted to have sex again much faster than I used to in the past.

You can read the last part of my sexual history in the next section, "My Present!", where you get an explanation for this distribution...

Yes, we came so far, and what shall we do with all this knowledge! We'll get to in a moment...

The contents of this section is a direct continuation of the "previous"—ie my personal sexual history—just so you do not get confused. The reason for this is—as I just mention it in the introduction of the aforementioned previous section—that I can not imagine how anyone can say/write something credible—and especially on such an important and sensitive issue as sexuality—without involving their own experience.

The Level of Commitments is Crucial

I have not mentioned it before, though it is also written in the most consistent and serious books about a process such as this one: that one of the main obstacles for a man who wants to start this process is that must have to 100% commit to also do without orgasms for a while. As long as orgasms are associated with ejaculations, the man often ends up in the vicious circle of "resetting the clock", as I have described before. Therefore, ejaculations as well as orgasms must be avoided, something most men are not ready to consider because we men are soooo attached to that aspect of our sexual enjoyment.

Men who have not tried to withhold ejaculations don't know that in the long run, there is so much more enjoyment to be obtained from sexuality, just by learning to control ejaculations or even do without them except for what they are meant to be: reproduction.

The gain is therefore much more enjoyment and even in a permanent way, ie that we can keep our sexual stamina for more years than men who generally become worn out with age, due to ejaculations (see the section on statistics...).

Avoid Ejaculations, Are You Crazy, Men Will Say!

I can imagine you, male reader who reads this—perhaps for the first time—and you may think that I am either mad or belong to some kind of sect, because you know that your ejaculations are some of the best you have! And I can tell you that I get a whole lot more pleasure in my sexuality today than I did before, and I definitely do not miss ejaculations. All it requires is to believe that something you did not know about can work much better than anything you thought was the only way.

... And Even Women!

The case can—curiously enough—be as difficult to handle when it comes to women, because many women also find the fact of doing without—or at least reducing—ejaculations totally insane, because they have been conditioned to almost worship outpourings of semen. Is it a coincidence that one of the seemingly most popular branches of porno (I must admit that my knowledge of porno films is very limited because I think that run of the mill porno is unworthy and mostly boring, see more in "Sex in the Media " section) is precisely about showing how much semen can get poured on a woman—on the face, on the breasts, on the whole body—by as many men as possible simultaneously. It is also known that a woman likes the feeling of an ejaculation in her vagina. Some even say that it should be healthy for a woman to get semen into her vagina. Furthermore, some women express that they find themselves attractive when they can get a man to ejaculate. Another result of a thorough "education" of women, or should we call it "brainwashing"...

If these women were aware of how much each and every ejaculation "costs" them, not only men, so they might have a different opinion about it (which would require some reverse conditioning). And here we fall back to some of the topics we reviewed under "Anatomy and Physiology" and "History", namely that women have been conditioned to adapt their sexuality (down) to the level of that of men, and thereby miss a lot of enjoyment.

Nature vs Culture

It is almost always difficult to distinguish between what is nature and what is culture—. For instance, is it more nature or culture that determines whether a human being becomes a mathematical genius or a mass murderer (though some may be both)?

It dawned on me recently that sexuality is actually an area where the difference is very clear: The "traditional" male sexuality—that is a sexuality where the man's ejaculations is the ultimate purpose—clearly belongs to "Nature", because, as has already been described here, the main function for men—from Nature's point of view—is to spread their genes, and in this errand, ejaculations are of the most importance.

"Nature"-men wade in ejaculations

In this way it can be said that men who focuses on ejaculations in their sexuality are... "Nature"-men because they (blindly) follows nature's call.

Before we talk about not-—Nature"-men, or rather "Culture" men, let us look at what the distinction is between a "Nature"-woman and a "Culture" woman in terms of sexuality!

Women Have More Inherent "Culture" in Their Sexuality

It is actually a little more difficult to distinguish, because in a woman, sexual enjoyment is separated from Nature's part, namely reproduction: a "Nature"-woman does not even have to experience pleasure to fulfill her duty towards nature! Perhaps this explains in particular that, historically, it is not so long ago that a woman's sexual pleasure has been accepted as a fact! It looks as if women are constructed in such a way that it gives them more opportunities to meet sexuality from a cultural side, especially because the woman's "usefulness" as far as nature's master plan is concerned, ends with menopause. And we know that for women, sexuality for pleasure does not need to either stop or even diminish after menopause.

What then characterizes the "Culture"-man?

Well, if you've read til here, then you can't be in doubt about what my answer to this question is, can you! Yes, I am a man who has learned that ejaculations are mainly something that is reserved for procreation—Nature's domain—and that it is therefore not surprising that their (too) use for other purposes may have some undesirable side effects when life energy is taken into consideration.

The Obvious Shows Up

All this has been so obvious to me in my process that began over 12 years ago. Suddenly it fell into place. I could finally no longer fool myself into thinking that how I felt after every ejaculation—the somewhat depressive state that comes over a man when the good chemicals dissipate— was "just" an unfortunate side effect I "just" had to ignore and focus on the next time, after hours, days—and soon weeks with age—I could again cram my horny cock into a vagina, a mouth, or some other place where I so again could get my next ejaculation and again fall into the black hole, like Sisyphus, doomed to again and again roll his stone uphill just to throw it down again and again.

I expect that not a few men will object that I exaggerate when they read this, that it is not so bad just to have had an ejaculation, that either I am a fanatic, or a man with too little sexual stamina. Then read what follows!

Even the Romans Knew It

How can it be that there already from Roman times has been an expression that says, "Post coitum omne animal triste," which means: "Every animal is sad after intercourse"! And I dare to express the following three guesses: With "animals" the Romans meant probably people; with people they probably thought men—because we know how little women have been taken into account in the course of history—and, not least, with "intercourse" they probably meant intercourse with ejaculation!

So much that I became aware of in my time with Rianna...

Rianna is Gone

What's more to say about my relationship with Rianna?

  • To limit ejaculations in the first two years we were together, we had a funny agreement that I was allowed to have ejaculations only when Rianna had her menstruation. I like intercourse blood baths ;-) After these approximately two years I made a commitment to no longer widh to have ejaculations (which really was not that hard to decide—though not so easy to live up to—because I could see how much more pleasure I got without them, and how much they cost me when they came).
  • After 5 years (which was the time Rianna and I were together), I had become a completely different man: I could progressively increasingly control my ejaculations ("progressively" is an important word here and subsequently, because I still today can feel changes—that is, improvements— in my ability to have sex).
  • As a side effect of the fact that I got many fewer ejaculations, I could have much more sex than ever before in my life. I guessed the following: I've probably had more sex with Rianna alone than with all the women I've known before her put together! Here I was in my 50's, a place where it is typically assumed that a man's sex life is going downhill, and so I had probably more sex than my son in his 20's!

The last item I will mention—which probably is the reason why our relationship ended—that because Rianna could not have orgasms during intercourse, and when intercourse suddenly was something I could, so I expressed my desire to try it is with a woman who could have orgasms that way.

(In past relationships when I was tired of a woman, or if I wanted something, she could not offer me, I did all that I could, some of it unconsciously, to get her to leave me, because I did not have the guts to break out of the relationship.)

Regarding Rianna, I could feel something new in my way of being: instead of "getting rid" of her, I could suddenly consider the possibility of still having a relationship with her—I liked her very much—and to try what I wanted another woman. At one point, it even looked like Rianna—who was also very fond of me—could see that this, which is otherwise a rather unusual suggestions in our culture, made sense. She told me that yes, maybe it would make sense, because then I could get what I wanted, and she would not have to hear my complaints and continue enjoying sex with me. I would have been very glad if it had been possible.

And yet, Rianna could not let go of the idea of "the one and only", as most people in our culture, so she left me.

Rianna chose to disappear entirely from my life. Although she has been one of the most important women in my life, we almost had no contact in the years that have passed since she left me in the spring of 2009.

In hindsight, I could see that our relationship had already ended about a year before she left me. In fact, the exact date—which I can't remember—must have been the day when she had three orgasms in a row, which was the absolute highest numbers we achieved together (more about the number of orgasms later...) I later interpreted it as a sign that she already had lost interest because otherwise—as I have seen since then with both Jane and Anna—her sexuality would have evolved more, including in the form of more and stronger orgasms (more about the number of orgasms later ...).

My Present Time

Some months later began my relationships with my two current girlfriends, Jane and Anna.

Jane (Show)

Jane and I met on a dating site, nothing unusual about it. She contacted me, in the summer of 2009, for more than 7 years ago at the time of writing. We wrote for a few months (she is a psychologist, so she should just check whether I was "for real" and not a man who would come to hurt her, which is difficult to know when the first contact happens on the Internet).

After we had written enough, it became clear to us that the time had come to meet. So I suggested a way to meet that was rather unusual (and in fact was "recycled" from a previous, very short relationship in which I failed to get the plan to be completed): I sent her a description of what would happen on our first meeting. This involved, among others, that both she and I were to blindfolded when I entered her apartment (where I had never been before) and she would be waiting for me in her bed. I was to "just" lie down beside her, and then we would see what happened.

It was both very titillating, and could seem potentially dangerous —"Imagine if he had been a psychopath, he could have cut your throat!"— as some people who do not have so much confidence, both for themselves and for other, commented about the process.

This unforgettable first meeting ended in sex, of course, and then we could remove the blindfold from his eyes, and we became lovers.

(hide Jane)

Anna (Show)

I met Anna to dance on a team where I was helping the teacher, and she was a beginning student in April 2008.

Over the next year, after a few months, as my relationship with Rianna was worse, began Anna and I to dance together more and more. Rianna had been my main dance partner in the five years since I had started to dance salsa (Rianna began two months after I did).

In the summer the following year, 2009, ie. while I also began to be in contact with Jane online, began Anna and I to talk about "important" issues. We used among others to spend more and more time talking in her car after salsa.

Anna opened little by little around her issues in life, and I also talked about mine. It turned out that Anna was very interested in sex (not said in a negative way, I might as well have written that sex was very important to her and had been so from very early in her life).

As I had seen it before in my life—I might as well call it a part of my old pattern around meeting women from a place where I was afraid of being rejected and therefore tried to compensate by showing how clever I was—it was quite a long period in which we slowly got closer and built trust so that we could both believe that the other was not going to be yet another person that would just hurt us, and so on. A little like "The Little Prince " process I went through with Jenny so many years before...

The last day of August 2009 Anna paid me a visit after we had talked a lot on the phone the day before. We had reached a place where I could clearly feel the sexual tension between us. I was still not sure that it was mutual. Yes, I knew it had to be reciprocal, the question was simply of whether she would dare to embark on a new experience.

At this time, thanks to Rianna, I was much more serene than before about how desirable sex was, which did that I saw it as something very natural between two people who both feel that they miss it!

In the last few days prior, I had told Anna that yes, I would very much like to go to bed with her! And it should of course be something that she wanted.

So there we are at my place, late at night, and Anna and I are talking in the kitchen and drinking tea.

I offered her an experiment: We could lay in my bed without clothes, and she could feel how she felt. I was very clear about my ability to control myself in very close physical contact with a woman when sex was not necessarily a sure option. I had tried it before. And just to feel a woman's body is, after all, a nice experience.

Anna hesitated and accepted the offer. We spooned and I held her. I caressed her back, and I could feel her body quiver. Not long after, she "overtook" me and wanted to have sex. There we became lovers!

(hide Anna)

Two Girlfriends... Oops!

Fate was such that I two weeks apart began a relationship with two women. The relationship with Anna started as a surprise, because I had not expected that we would end up having sex that night. This meant that I was trapped in relation to my sense of ethics, which says that the current lover(s) should know about it before a new relationship begins and the new one must of course know about the existing lover(s).I was stuck with that for a little over a day because there had not been this kind of transparency about the situation.

The next day, Tuesday, I picked up Jane at the main train station and we took the bus home. During the trip I said to her that there was something she needed to hear about and decide: "I had happened to go to bed with Anna and also wanted a relationship with her (if she would when she heard about Jane) ", and no, it did not mean—as it usually does in the "mainstream" world—that she and I would no longer be lovers. Rather, it meant that she had to decide whether she could/would tolerate being in an open relationship where I had two lovers ...

Jane and I still remember what was going on inside her at this time (she told me about it later): she looked at where the bus was—between City Hall and the lakes—and wondered whether she should get off at the next stop. She chose not to, and from that time she learned to live with the fact that I had another girlfriend.

I had a similar bit of explaning to do with Anna, which I took care of as soon as possible, that is when I saw her again the following day. Here I also got agreement, although it was not easy to get to.

As you may recall concerning the story of Elena, it is important for me to be honest and do not cheat people. Therefore, I was very upset that there had been the period, though very short, where it looked as if I was hiding important information for my two girlfriends.

The Most Enriching 7 Years of my Life

So I've been dating two women for more than 7 years now. What it has given me...and them, and how it can be used as evidence for a suggestion about a better way to have sex than the usual culture offers, you can read about below ...

The Reward Shows Up

It has been a very exciting process for all three of us, where we have seen tangible results in the form of a different view of sexuality. You have already read about the key ingredients, namely, among others, the necessity to shift the focus from the man's enjoyment—in the form of a race after ejaculations as the ultimate goal of sexuality—to the woman's experience and her enjoyment, which from the physiological side is much richer than the man's (unless or until the man is practicing enough to achieve what comes naturally for the woman).

I have, over the last 7+ years seen the sexuality of Jane and Anna develop itself markedly, in a way that I do not think would have happened if we had had a relationship based on the standard model.

Specifically, they have been able to experience more, stronger orgasms.

Pleasure and Orgasms (Show)

Here we insert a parenthesis to look at something very important when we talk about sex: what is pleasure and what are orgasms?

What is Pleasure From Nature's Side?

Through science we have become so smart in so many areas. However, it seems as if we are not so good to define/describe what pleasure really is, and even less what orgasms are!

If we again consider what Nature's plan is for us—and this applies to every living creature—it is very easy to answer the question of pleasure: we are hardly more than "gene bags" whose purpose is to spread genes so that our species can live on. We, as individuals, are not as important, though it may be hard to accept for us. Seen from this perspective, pleasure is barely more than a tool for a specific purpose, for if we are to be in optimal conditions to propagate us, so we might as well feel good at the same time!

"Feel good" is not so far from "pleasure", is it! Pleasure, at this time, might as well be...to enjoy lying in the sun on a hot summer day, or just eating a good meal, or one of the many other activities that make us happy.

Enjoyment in a sexual sense is something special, however. To enjoy being in the sun corresponds to our need for vitamin D; to enjoy a good meal corresponds to our needs for nutrition. Sexual pleasure could almost be considered a sort of "decoy" to motivate us to do something that we do not necessarily know what is—people in ancient times might not have known that there was a link between sex and procreation. Therefore they had to be motivated by something very powerful, such as the perspective of pleasure, before they engaged in sexual intercourse.

We know that human beings are almost unique in their ability to want to have sex at any time, even outside the "oestrus period", whereas most other female mammals only "fancy sex" when they can conceive.

Because I believe that the "mainstream" culture is highly confused about sexuality, and as a result, pleasure, then I find very little help in what others say about this topic. I will therefore again have to use my own experience.

What do Pleasure and Orgasms Mean to Me?

When it comes to writing about my past, I realize that I am not in a position to know whether what I remember actually is what happened, primarily for two reasons:

Memory Can Fail

First, my memory can fail and distort what I recall, both because I do not remember correctly, and because I have forgotten some events, or recalls them selectively. This is made clear by considering what I do know I've forgotten (eg., I can watch a movie, I had forgotten, or something I learned during my training and no longer know as the integral of sin2x/cos or the value of the Avogadro constant).

Second, some events—especially strong and related—that have happened since affect my memories, color it, or in some cases, almost replace it with new ones (eg., The state of Pennsylvania seemed huge to me the first time I hitchhiked through it in 1980, and some years later, after I had been in most of the other states, I was surprised to see how small Pennsylvania actually is...)

Another important example is: how well can I exactly remember how it was to believe in Santa Claus as a child, now that it is on top of it so long ago since that lie, my parents told me at the time—and which I believed, because I trusted them—has been revealed?

This subject is highly relevant when it comes to remembering what my relationship with (sexual) pleasure and orgasms has been in the past. Having said this, so I'll try ...

My Sexual Pleasure Then

I will now focus solely on sexual pleasure (I love to lie in the sun, and sex is much more interesting ...)

Pleasure is a feeling in the body and in the mind—we must not forget here that all our senses eventually end with chemicals in our brain, which is what we are experiencing.

If I try to be sober, it is difficult to tell my personal experience from the way "Nature's call" affects me! I know that many readers prefer to delude themselves into thinking that there is something special with concepts like "love" and many believe that falling in love is something special, personally. Maybe they can read "Your love is programmed" by Birgit Erup. I'm not so sure myself ...

The only form of love I am sure about without a doubt is the love a child has for its parents (unfortunately often blind and forever, despite the many treasons)...

I have always been strongly attracted to women and sex.

In the past, my pleasure was conditioned by several factors:

  • How many—or, in my view—how few! opportunities I got to be with a woman and could have sex with her;
  • My problem with premature ejaculations;
  • And, last though not least, something that I first became aware of later: I was caught in a vicious circle where each ejaculation reset me in my quest for pleasure (more details on this later).

Sexual pleasure was a yearning to feel even better, which always resulted in an ejaculation, which in that way seemed to be the purpose of sexuality. Sometimes, the woman could have wished for more sex and more pleasure, which she often hid with a: "It was great anyway!" or something like that.

Precisely because I just did not know that there could be something other than what I knew in sexuality, so I had an "unconscious resignation" about it.

Lack of Knowledge Leads to Frustration

This lack of knowledge and the intensity of the ultimate pleasure did that the goal of sex was this ejaculation. If I did not get it, I was frustrated, and I took it out on the woman.

Under these circumstances, an orgasm was something very well defined and concrete: It was the culmination of maximum pleasure (followed by an energy downturn, I and many generations have accepted as "normal", see "Even the Romans Knew It" in this section).

The orgasm—other than being very well defined and concrete—was also something I did not know at the time: it was limited and doomed to continue to be so because of the vicious circle that I just mentioned.

It was so because every time I got an ejaculation, it cost me a lot of energy (that is what ejaculations do, we can not do much about) and my inner body energy was brought down (I have already mentioned on this site, under "The Obvious Shows Up"how I suppose that this is pretty universal, if nothing else because it's been documented already a couple of millennia ago!). I had therefore to "build up again" until I could feel the same level of desire, and so began the cycle over again.

With some subtle differences—whether it was with an most often too quick ejaculation inside a vagina, or by being licked, or given a hand job or by masturbation—it was the same regardless of how I got ejaculation/orgasm (and the point here is precisely that the two concepts were one and the same thing at that time): it was a race toward something specific, something very, very intense and pleasurable, which then was always followed by something not so pleasant.

This lasted until about 13 years ago, when I began to yearn for something more and something better.

Ten Years of "Hard" Training

Whether it is because I am not a quick learner, I do not know. The fact is, however, that it took me much longer to achieve clear results than books—or fast "tantra" weekend courses—promised it would take.

For some years, orgasms continued being accompanied by ejaculations. I could feel that because I fought against them with all my strength, I was able to delay ejaculations more and more. They always won at last, and then I had to start all over again after a "downturn" period.

Even then I could feel that the longer I could delay the arrival of the ejaculation, the more pleasure I experienced, although I still was "seduced" by how good the ejaculation felt.

As described already under "Weaning From Ejaculations" (see index) I started getting orgasms that were not necessarily accompanied by ejaculations. In the beginning, I did not believe it because the feeling in my body was the same. The difference, however, I could clearly feel: My desire did not wane so much for such orgasms, as it did after the "regular" ones.

After my relationship with Rianna was over, I continued my "training" with Jane and Anna. It was an important part of my development because Jane could get orgasms with intercourse, and Anna learned it after a while.

There went some years during which my development was in the "same style", ie it was a question of getting better to keep ejaculations at bay, and therefore, as a reward for all the hard work, be able to have more and more sex!

A New Kind of Orgasm!

It was only a little over a year ago—that is after more than ten years after I started taking it seriously—that a change I had read so much about and wished so much—and yet had not experienced—happened: I could suddenly get many orgasms that clearly did not get me close to the "danger zone"—that is the zone where I risked getting an ejaculation.

These orgasms were a whole new kind, in the sense that I could choose to have them whenever I wanted!

My Pleasure and My Orgasms Now

Now that I have changed the focus of my sexuality from ejaculatioons as the ultimate goal to the pleasure along the way—and it helps to focus on the woman's enjoyment, among others because she is physiologically more inclined to work that way—I experience several kinds of orgasms, there are more of them, and they have become stronger with time (they have at least during the last 7 years). How can it be? It helps to look in the rearview mirror and describe what I see there...

As described above, my pleasure was then caught in a vicious circle where my energy level was reset every time I got an orgasm (which at that time was the same as an ejaculation). Because the orgasm was so nice to experience and because I did not know better—and this is perhaps the most important: it is certainly what keeps so many men from throwing themselves into this process—I had accepted it as it was and I was already looking forward to the next ejaculation!

The process that began nearly 13 years ago meant that I have fought against ejaculations, because I knew—rather, I chose to believe what others had known for several millennia was true—that by doing so, I could open up opportunities for something else, something greater and something much more pleasurable. It required, however, that I did not let the old vicious circle repeat itself, and instead kept my energy.

The theory eventually lived up to its promises, because I now experience so much more pleasure during sex, and in the form of at least three kinds of orgasms (mentioned in order of increasing desirability):

  • The old orgasms that come with ejaculations—of varying amounts, depending on how much control I can exercise—and that are still not wanted because they cost me energy. They are the rarest now. Usually they mean that "The Party is Over" on my part, after the usual way to have sex, where the man's ejaculation marks that sex is over—at least for a while. This is neither desirable for my lovers who want to enjoy sex over a longer period of time.
  • Orgasms that are quite strong, and approach the old ones, except that they do not cost as much energy as the old ones and they occur without ejaculations. These mean therefore less that "The Party is Over".
  • Orgasms that cost no energy at all, and which I even can choose to have, usually every time the woman gets one of hers, so that in that way we can experience time after time, the "romantic" traditional wish to "Come at the Same Time"!

This means I now get both many more orgasms, and they become stronger with time. I have experienced something that may seem like a contradiction: the more I fight against an ejaculation, the more pleasure my body is able to experience without losing energy.

Sustainable Sex Supported by Mathematics!

In a way it makes much sense, because the amount of pleasure anyone can experience is seen as the level of excitment—how excited the person is—times time—and here "times" is meant in an mathematical sense. Stated in other words, the more time I spend in a certain state of excitement, the more pleasure I get, and the higher my level of excitment is during a given period, the more pleasure I experience (in mathematics, it is called "integrating" level of excitment over time).

You can see below what this means in practice:

The area under the curve (that is the integral of the level of excitment over time) shows how much pleasure comes from sex in two cases: the blue with ejaculations and the green without ejaculations.


The above graph is taken from page 29 of a power-point presentation detailing various situations focusing on how much pleasure a heterosexual couple can experience depending to the man's choice about ejaculations.

Other Peoples's Orgasms

Before we examine other people's orgasms, let's look at something very general when we are talking precicely about orgasms:

The Question of the Race After Orgasms

I have experienced many times in conversations that I have had with people about sex, that when we come to talk about orgasms, then the person quickly almost gets angry or annoyed because they believe that the focus should not be on orgasms, because it then becomes a race, and sex should not be driven by a race, etc!

I have felt that when it has been a woman who has had this position, it has always been the case that the woman in question had difficulties achieving orgasm and her reaction was a form of protection against something that she could feel, and yet not really know what she could do about. I am very "baffled" (I use quotes here to express that I can understand what's going on, and yet, I am not really "buying" that kind of argument) by this attitude in a woman, because I know from experience with respectively Jane and Anna that orgasms are not "supposed" to be such a big problem, and when they are not a problem, then they are of course very welcome, and preferably in large numbers!

With men, I do not really know. Perhaps they also feel that it would be great to be with a woman who gets many orgasms, however, traditional men are limited in this area.

This reservation appears therefore actually first when the talk comes to female orgasms, not a man's; as if a man's orgasms (read ejaculations) were a "normal" part of sexuality, and not the woman's (remember "Female Pleasure: A Modern Concept!" from the "History" tab.)

Our culture has a common form of "blindness" about female orgasms, which means that even the "sexual philosophies"—such as Tantra—who are supposed to offer a form of sustainable sexuality (without using the term—I'm lucky to be the first to do it!), end up punishing women from the start.

It happens in the way that both ejaculations—for men—and "peak orgasms"—for women—are "forbidden"—or, to be politically correct, discouraged.

What is being forgotten here is that women should first be allowed to catch up with men in their ability to have orgasms, and, as I would put it, "reclaim" their sexual potential. Only afterwards we need to examine which female orgasms might are inappropriate (this is repeated below, under "Let Women Wade in Orgasms".)

Jane's Orgasms

Soon, we'll read here about Jane's orgasms...

Anna's orgasms

Soon, we'll read here about Annas orgasmer...
(hide Pleasure and Orgasms)

Let Women Wade in Orgasms

Our experience has shown that a woman who is in the right circumstances has no problems getting orgasms, and that on top of it, her orgasms are not going to limit the potential for further sex, contrary to—remember "A woman who gets an orgasm gets energy and wants more (more orgasms!) right here, right now." from"Anatomy and Physiology ".

Therefore, it would make more sense to first give women a chance to regain their full orgasmic potential, just by helping them regain their ability to have orgasm after orgasm (remember, her body is already built for it from the start), and afterwards, we can see where it leads, and among others examine her "peak orgasms", which are described as resembling a man's ejaculation because there is a certain loss of energy when she gets them! However, "The Party is Not Over" simply because she gets a peak orgasm as it typically is the case when a traditional man has had an ejaculation.

This is precisely what we have done in recent years: we have focused on women's orgasms while I still practice limiting my ejaculations. The two processes, run in parallel, resulted in that we have been able to have a phenomenal amount of sex that has become more and more pleasurable for both them and me.

I emphasize "both" because this is one of the most difficult parts to understand about this way to have sex: how can a man who no longer gets ejaculations ad libitum get more enjoyment out of sex, won't you tell me!

The answer is always the same: it takes time—for the body to learn new ways of acting—and it requires commitment—commitment to try it until it works, because every time the man surrender to the urge to ejaculate, the process begins almost from scratch—with pretty much only unwanted side effects that on top of it get bigger and bigger with time/age—compared to the benefits that little by little show that they are worth fighting for.

An unexpected side effect of focusing on something other than getting ejaculations was that we started an exciting journey into the wonderful world of positions...

Sex Positions (Show)

I've seen quite a few books about sexual positions during my life, some I have seen at other people's, some I have on my own shelf. Some describe the famous Kama Sutra positions; some are inspired by Taoism or by tantra; some show "only" positions (as is the case with the "Mere glæde ved sex", Danish for "More Pleasure from Sex", where the image below in the center comes from); some are more on the humorous side, such as "Position of the Day", providing proposals for a position for each day of the year (that I bought in a sex shop in Tempe, Arizona in 2012, while my son chose something sexy underwear for his girlfriend, see the drawings on the right side below); or a deck of cards that I received as a birthday present from my daughter on my 61th birthday (see left below).

Sex Positions

Sex Positions

Like almost everything that has to do with sex, the subject "Sex Positions" is for me divided into two distinct periods: before and after my recent development began.

In the past, for many decades, a sex position was something exotic, almost artificial, because it had to be looked up in a book and purposely tested as you would try a new food recipe. The result was that I ended up not using so much energy to try new positions, which meant that until recently, there were not so many positions I could name, or describe, or say what made them into something nice or special to use.

Many shades of sex and color

The main reason why positions have become a wonderful new exploration area, as mentioned above, is that the fact of shifting the focus from getting ejaculations to feeling how nice it is to have sex without an end purpose allowed me to become increasingly aware of subtle nuances about how it feels to be in a particular position—and sometimes the difference between the two positions is so small that anyone could think that they are the same—which they are not! This reminds me of the people who wove the famous carpets in Bayeux, France in the 11th. century. It is said that these people had learned to distinguish between many shades of green because this color occurred with such a variety in their work (and if we take it a step further, it turns out that people generally can distinguish between more shades of green than is the case for other colors because many millennia ago, when we lived in the woods, it was important to find out as soon as possible whether there was a dangerous animal hiding somewhere in the green bushes...)

It is as if my body and my cock—in the case of positions involving intercourse—have become much more able to feel different angles and relationships between body parts, which before were not so clear. It was a bit like our inability to distinguish people from other ethnic backgrounds apart because they "all look the same"!

Using various positions is no longer an intellectual task, as it was before: "Now we go to page 69 and see what we find there", or "Let's flip through the book and see what inspire us today...". Rather, positions occur by themselves as we concern ourselves only with noticing how good it feels to be together, and how much better it can get by just changing a bit how our bodies are positioned relative to each other.

Ongoing, we both find new positions and explore more details about specific ones.

When I recently looked at some of the books that I have had at home for a while, it dawned on me that we had "rediscovered" quite a few of the positions the books showed, and that without having " tried" anything special for it—it had just come by itself. It is not surprising, considering that our bodies are built in a certain way that makes that many of the positions that feel good are there for any couple that is not boring —or preoccupied to focus on the man's ejaculations— to discover and try out.

In the end, it seems as though "positions" is an artificial concept, where in fact bodies float with each other through small changes that make it possible to start in a certain "position" and end in a completely different one without even noticing it.

An infinite number of positions

If you are like I was then, and need a book to imagine how many positions there can be, let's take a look at how easy it is!

Positions are defined, created, by how two (or more in a more advanced version...) bodies are positioned relative to each other, which means that there are more and more combinations depending on how many different "parameters" are taken into account.

Such parameters include—though not limited to—the following:

  • Body part (legs, arms, head, hands, feet, nose, ears, breasts, genitals, what more...)
  • Positioning (in relation to one's own body and in relation to the other body) in
    • Direction
    • Angle
    • Contact/No contact/Light or with pressure, etc.
    • In the front/To the side/From the Back/turned 180 degrees, and so on.
    • Standing/Laying Down/On the knees, etc.
  • Indoors: on the bed/in the kitchen/in the bathroom, etc.
  • Outdoors: in Nature/with the risk—or the wished possibility—that others see you, etc.

You can see that the possibilities will soon be endless.

Let's take a closer look, if you will, at one of the most well-known positions, namely the infamous "missionary" position.

The Missionary Position's Amazing Versatility (Show)

I call the missionary position infamous because for most of my life it had been a double symbol:

  • Symbol of boring sex, anong others used by the couples that have been together for years and end up using this position almost all the time because they can no longer find out to be creative;
  • Symbol of oppression of women because the man can use his weight to pin the woman down (remember, I speak from my experience and from the scars I have gotten from my upbringing. Because when I read this from where I am now, it seems very sad that someone could feel that way).

I will now venture to say that this position is actually one of the best ones that exist, if nothing else because it allows most intimacy, as to the lovers find themselves face to face, and therefore can kiss each other, see each other in the eyes, and hold each other. It is certainly one of them we use most, and I can promise you that our sex life is far from boring!

If we look at this position from the side of versatility, it is clear that the above first point ("Symbol for boring sex") does not fit. I could try—and it would be futile to try do so extensively enough—to provide a list of the options, the missionary position allows. Let's take a look at it and we stop when we get dizzy from how many options are available (and then go and try it yourself!)

We start with what I consider as the most simple version of the position, ie when the man is on the woman and has his legs between her legs and she spreads her legs a little.

I have previously involved science on this website and I will do it again, because when a subject is to be examined—especially an issue that involves several parameters—so it's a good idea to have a method if the study is not to end in confusion.

The method is quite simple: It is about seeing how many options are available when all parameters remain equal except one. It is therefore a good idea to first make a list of the parameters that can be changed.

Already here you can see, if you want to bother, from the list below—that is far from comprehensive&mdash ;that the possibities will surely be many!

The Missionary Position in Details (Show)

  • The position of the man's legs in relation to the woman's:
    • Between
    • Outside (i.e., the woman's legs between the man's)
    • One of her legs between the man's legs:
      • Left
      • Right
    • On
      • Straight on
      • On and slightly outside
        • Feet under/over the woman's
        • Presses in to press the woman's legs together
        • Bowed legs
          • Upwards
          • Downwards
      • On and a little bit inside
        • Presses out with the thighs to spread the woman's legs
        • Feet under/over the woman's
        • Bowed legs
          • Upwards
          • Downwards
  • Leg angle (here we discover that some combinations are anatomically impossible, however!)
    • The woman's
    • The man's
    • Together
    • Spread
    • Inbetween together and spread
    • Etc.
  • The man's body angle
    • Horizontal lying on the woman's
    • Horizontal a bit up in the air from the woman's
    • Butt up
    • Etc.
  • How the man supports his own weight
    • Lies heavily on the woman
    • Supports himself on elbows, hands, forearms, knees, feet
    • "Hovering" up so that only the dick is in contact with the woman, and support on the elbows
    • Etc.
  • How the man moves his body in relation to the woman's
    • He stays where he is
    • His body moves up and down hers/her body moves up and down his
  • How the man moves his dick
    • Completely inside
    • Near the opening of the vagina
    • Long or short thrusts
    • Powerful or gentle thrusts
    • Movement or completely still or pulsating (the man tightens his cock, which causes it to be irrigated and become larger and smaller as it tightens and releases)
    • Angle in relation to the axis of the vagina
      • Parallel
      • From the sides
        • Left
        • Right
        • Downwards
        • Upwards
      • In a rotating movement
        • Clockwise
        • Counter clockwise
        • Slow
        • Fast
  • Whether the woman is "allowed" to have an orgasm or not
    • We could have a list of the many ways in which the woman can be subjected to "orgasm control", such a long list that we still find new ways to do it…

Now you can see that if a position that is otherwise considered as quite general offers so much, you can imagine how big a world of pleasure other more involved postions can offer.

(Hide The Missionary Position in Details)

(Hide The Missionary Position's Amazing Versatility)

During the research for this page I searched "positions" on the internet. There are of course many sites that offer position after position, with names and detailed descriptions of what each position is good for, and so on.

There I could see that I still do not know so many of the names of the positions, we use very often.

Oral Sex (Show)

Oral sex is mostly about licking the other, thus giving them pleasure.

Oral sex is one of the areas in my sex life that has changed very little when it is I who "gives" and a great deal when it is me who "receives".

Understandably, when it is me who licks a woman, then not so much has changed: it is about giving her pleasure, yes, again, including orgasms. I have mentioned elsewhere on this page that I have seen that it looked as if some women—in the right circumstances—learned to have several orgasms in a row while being licked, though some had before expressed that they had become sensitive "there" and that therefore further contact could almost be painful, at best uncomfortable.

One of the nice side effects, when a woman can experience several orgasms in a row while being licked may be that she as a result becomes more and more excited, and at one point expresses that she must have dick inside her, because being licked is no longer enough. This can therefore be considered as a form of "foreplay"!

So no, there has not been so much change here for me with sustainable sexuality!

Maybe one thing changed, which is more a side effect of the fact that I have learned so much about a woman's body in the past few years: oral sex "on" a woman may involve using my fingers in her vagina—where stimulation of the G-Spot is quiet easy—or/and possibly in the anus.

On the other hand, when I am on the receiving end, the world has changed so much, and here again for the best!

Namely, where the purpose of being licked used to be—in the shorter or longer term—that I should get an ejaculation—and being licked is a very effective way to get there—now that ejaculations have been removed from the list of the things I wish from sex, it's a completely different experience!

Firstly, and it might be seen as surprising, my dick has never been licked as much as in the last few years, and has to boot gotten so much more enjoyment out of it.

It must be just as exciting for my lovers to lick my dick because they get orgasms from it—when we make sure that they are stimulated in the right places while they lick, including by my having a leg between hers so that she can rub against it.

Dick slicking is something that actually sometimes melts in or from cock massage—which I also get lots of—or intercourse.

It is now a natural sequence to talk about mutual oral sex as we do below...

(Hide Oral sex)

69 (Show)

69 is a pictorial way to mention mutual oral sex, where two people lick each other's genitals (it can of course be extended to more persons in a ring, which is another matter that perhaps the Romans knew about, considering that for them, 69 was written with more letters: LXIX)

For me, and no doubt for my partner, mutual oral sex has become a fantastic experience as opposed to what it was before, where there was always a concern (probably for both myself and my partner)—or was it downright the purpose—that I was going to lose control, torn away by so much stimulation, and then, again and again, "The Party was Over!"

It has now become a very rewarding experience, very intimate and intense. My partner will be able to experience orgasms while she give my dick a good deal of attention.

69 is another place where I can see how much I missed in the past, when I was so busy getting ejaculations!

(Hide 69)

G-Spot (Show)

My history about the G-Spot is a story of humility, because it was not before so many years ago that I first heard about its existence.

It also seems as if the G-Spot is still causing controversy because some people claim that it does not even exist (like some people, even women who are known for being well versed about sexuality, write about female orgasms in a way that would make one think that they are not sure whether they really exist; such a woman is Maria Marcus, see here). Well, for us it exists, and that's good enough!

I mentioned in the oral sex section that it is a good place to play with the G-Spot because especially when it is new, a finger is better to find it and stimulate it than a dick can be.

Stimulation of the G-Spot can bring orgasms, which are definitely different from other orgasms such as clitoral or vaginal orgasms. It's so nice to see that every place has almost its own kind of orgasm!

Like oral sex was a good introduction to 69, the G-Spot a good introduction to the next section, namely spraying...

(Hide G-Spot)

Squirting (Show)

If you alredy know what it is, it may surprise you that I write "squirting" instead of "squirting orgasms," which is I believe a more common expression. There is a good reason for it, which you will be able to read a little bit further down.

First, as usual, I want to write a little about my story with squirting, because it has been a very special—and educational—process.

I had known for many years that there was something called squirting orgasms, or rather that some women could squirt. From the way I heard about it, probably, it was only some particularly gifted women who could (as it was for example only a few gifted men who could control their ejaculations or had a mighty cock) and I would never be so lucky as to be able to experience being with such a woman!

And, for some four years ago, there was a presentation about just " squirting orgasms" at a swinger's club. My two girlfriends and I thought it was interesting enough, so we went there to see what it was about (I do not know if it was before or a little later that evening that it was said that those who would want try it could do so because the couple who demonstrated it was ready to be used as guinea pigs!)

This presentation has been one of the times in my life where my views on a subject I so far had only ideas about changed significantly in an unexpected direction.

There were many people in the room when the man-who-could-get-women-to-spray came in and told us about it, and, more important, showed us.

He described—as he did it himself—how the person (I was going to write "the man") who does it to the woman must shape fingers to be most efficient, how he should enter the woman's vagina in a certain way, how he should move his hand in there—quite strongly, it turned out—and voila, the woman he had his fingers in squirted (I had heard before about women who "could" squirt buckets meters away)!

During the few minutes that description took—with the visual as help—several things dawned on me and it was a very liberating experience, of the kind where something that once seemed completely shrowed in mystery and requiring some for mig unattainable abilities, was completely demystified and turned out to be so simple and certainly not mysterious!

Instantly, my sensitive point around squirting went away because I could see that it actually was something very mechanical, and not much more. Below, you can see my version of what squirting really is, and to do that I repeat the above description with some more details toI show what is happening in reality:

It's about stuffing a couple of fingers into a woman's vagina, around where the G-Spot is and stimulate her in a rather sharp back and forth motion. From experience, one can feel when the woman is approaching the point where she is ready to squirt. Then, usually, the stimulation has to become even stronger in the right place, and then voila, liquid begins to gush out of her, so much sometimes that it is to wonder how so much "water" can be found in a woman!

How much the woman squirts may vary, both from woman to woman and from time to time for the same woman.

An interesting thing is, however, to talk about "how far a woman can squirt", which I always thought was something mysterious and impressive, such as the number of women a well-endowed porn star can fuck in a row before he falls down, exhausted, which porno stars never seem to do anyway.

It became evident, when push came shove after I had seen it happen—and with minimal use of both my intelligence and my engineering education—that how far a woman squirts has absolutely nothing to do with her! Of course, how much she squirts helps tremendously with the case. What determines how far she squirts is how tightly the other person keeps their hand against her body, like how far a garden hose "squirts" depends on how tight the gardener pinches the end of the hose!

Stated in other words, if there was no "plug" in the form of the other person's fingers in the way, so would the liquid run down her legs if she stood during the operation, or down the toilet, which is by the way an ideal place to practice: it avoids having to do too much clean-up—which usually is my job—afterwards, instead of being such an impressive show!

It became additionally apparent—and this is the reason for my writing about squirting without necessarily associating it with orgasms—that squirting is only a physical, mechanical event that happens between a skilled hand and a woman's body. Stated in other words, I could almost say that any person who knows what they're doing could probably get anwilling woman to squirt!

The third thing—which is also part of the reason for my not necessarily using "orgasm" and "squirting" in the same sentence—is that a woman may be able to squirt and yet not get orgasms from it, which was the case with Jane when she tried it for the first time after the presentation was over (as mentioned before, those of us spectators who dared had the opportunity to try out one or the other, and thus, my first attempt at trying to get a woman to squirt was not successful!) it was actually Jane who described, after she tried it, just on the other side, that she could feel that the fact that she ended up squirting was something she had had no control over.

That evening was very rewarding because we definitely had something new that we could play with and experiment, and I no longer believed that this area of sex was something I was not qualified enough to be able to enjoy!

It's been incredible to see, sometimes, how much liquid I have been able to draw out of Anna (it is with her that I have experimented the most), and the more I "milked" her, the more came out, a liberating sexual deluge.

It must not be forgotten that it can also end with orgasms when it is done properly and the circumstances are right. And there we have yet another "flavor" of orgasm—because it feels totally different than the other kinds, as I am told—which added to the palette!

It is amazing to experience and I recommend it very much, especially since it does not require so many preconditions, only a willingness to try something new and exciting.

One last note about squirting: I have known a woman who squirted spontaneously (without having control over it) during intercourse, which for her was more of a bother, while I think it was nice. We just had to have enough protection on the bed...

(Hide Squirting)

Anal Sex (Show)

Well, now we have almost come around the whole body, and we should not forget the part of sexuality some consider to be on the edge of the acceptable just because it is "disgusting", namely anal sex.

Remember, because everything I write here comes from my own experience, and because I've been straight for most of my life, I write mostly about heterosexuality. Although I don't write so much about homosexuality, I do not forget that anal sex is a "normal" part of sexuality for gay men.

Not so much because of the way I've changed my sexuality, more from the aftereffects of it in the form of a greater freedom in it, anal sex has played a bigger role in my sex life in the last few years.

The first precondition about anal sex is not to be influenced by how our culture is more or less obsessed with cleanliness and considers certain parts of the body as parts "one" should not touch, not talk about, therefore even less involve them in sexuality !

In the US, there are still states where anal sex is prohibited (as is oral sex in some states as well), which shows that Puritanism is still very strong.

My story about anal sex is in line with the rest of my sex history: anal sex was something I could not allow myself to wish, much less expose a woman to it. Therefore I had not done much of it until a few years ago.

And then came the liberation that showed that anal sex, just like everything else, when it is done by people who go for it, can be something beautiful.

I have practiced anal sex most with Jane and over time, she has also been able to have orgasms from it, possibly even a new kind!

One of the things that are special with anal sex is the feeling of possession I get where I am totally in control of her (which is of course something that I am allowed to, not something I impose).

Anal sex allows multiple variations of how a woman can be stimulated.
It can take other forms than stuffing one's cock in an anus. It is also possible to use fingers. A particular combination is to have a finger up the anus, one in the vagina, and one around the clitoris, which offers three-areas stimulation (and indeed, the mouth and the other hand can be somewhere else, there are so many options!)

(Hide Anal sex)

(Hide Sex Positions)

Sexual Orientation

I expect that this section will be very unpopular with many because the ideas I share here, I have never seen expressed elsewhere. They come, however, from my direct experience.

I would first like to describe how my own sexual orientation has changed and give you my guess as to how it happened. Afterwards I come to a conclusion which I believe is the part that could be very unpopular...

Most of my life, I have undoubtedly been heterosexual, and even somewhat homophobic. At least in terms of men—and I have the feeling that it is quite common that some heterosexual men are quite homophobic, when it comes to other men and yet think it is very nice to see two women having sex together.

In the last 7 to 13 years, I have had increasingly more sex, and more satisfying sex (albeit with many fewer ejaculations...) and where my dick in the past was more a villain who could not do his job properly, it has almost become the king of the party, precisely because it finally understood that sex is primarily about making a woman happy. In this way it has received much more positive attention than before.

I never looked at my cock as being something special. I have, for example, never given it a nickname as I hear many men do.

My Cock Changed My Sexual Orientation

And suddenly it became adored, revered, cajoled, fondled, sucked on and thanked like never before. Without my knowing it, it made me think more of it, also considering how much more pleasure it gave me than in the past!

Then something strange happened a few years ago. Suddenly I could feel that it would be nice to try to get permission to touch a cock that was not mine. Of course, it would have to be just as nice as mine and especially, just as polite and well behaved.

It is that way that I discovered that I had become bi-curious, something I never would have thought would happen, so sure I was abour my "sexual orientation"!

I have, as of writing time in the Spring of 2017, not yet had the opportunity to find out how it would be to play with another man's cock—I hope that it comes soon.

This very unexpected development brought with it a far-reaching change in my views on sexuality, something which I have already warned as being somewhat likely unpopular to say because it looks as if it goes against many of the ideas the current world has about sexual orientation. Well, never mind, here it comes:

A (Probably) Unpopular View on Sexual Orientation

If I have to put it in a nutshell, it sounds like this: straight sexuality and homosexuality are the two poorest forms of "sexual orientation", because they are often based on contempt for either the opposite sex or the same gender, which was the way I felt before.

On the other hand, it seems as if bisexuality is the most open, most rewarding form of sexuality, because it allows to experience so much more without limiting oneself to one's own specific "sexual orientation".

When I look around, I see signs that this may make sense after all:

  • I have heard that some homosexuals of both genders consider bisexuals as "traitors"
  • Bisexuals are not as visible as either homosexuals or heterosexuals
  • It looks as if it is "easier" for women to be bisexual than it is for men, perhaps because they are smarter!
  • Last, though far from least, bisexuals can potentially have just about two times more fun!


Before we go any further, I would like to summarize for you what this site presents, based on my understanding of the world and my experience, as well as the invaluable experience I have gained with and from my girlfriends, present and from the past. While it may help to have read the previous sections, it can be boiled down to actually very little:

  • Women and their sexuality have been oppressed in probably at least 10,000 years;
  • The culture, despite our best intentions, is still mainly designed by men and for men;
  • Sexuality therefore focuses mainly on what satisfies men, with ejaculations as the center piece;
  • These aspects can be easily traced in statistics about sexual performance and ultimate repression such as sexual violence (when it comes to it, the primary cause of rape is men's blind attachment to their ejaculations!);
  • The oppression runs so deep that even women are not aware of how extensive it is.

Now you may proceed to Concrete and see how we can get out of this very undesirable situation.

Concrete Considerations

What is a Problem, Really!

I have learned from experience that there really isn't anything called a problem, rather a flawed understanding of reality.

Put in another way: it is only after we are able to define what the problem is—to describe it—that we are able to solve it. And most often, the solution comes as a simple consequence of the description.

Stated in other words again, our efforts to find a solution often blocks the path to understanding what it is about.

So many years after I was a student in both mathematics and physics, I can see that this is how it goes: the so-called "problems" I got as homework at school (they were called "problems" in French) were artificial contraptions that intentionally lacked information—which I, as a student, had to find out what they were—without which I could not move on. Problem solving was really a matter of problem description. And the process of describing and examine the problem was in fact most of the answer!

Here is the same: I affirm, or claims, or believe, that once you have read completely, or in the worst case, most or some of what is written here until now—if you now have followed the obvious sequence indicated by the tabs—so you can be in no doubt about how this problem can be addressed!

What corresponds here to examining the problem in mathematics is to become aware of where we are and how we behave in our sexuality, especially when we have to take something into account that does not exist in mathematics (though, wait a minute and then I'll show you something in mathematics where emotions and habits are apparently just as involved—with the same impact resistance against new knowledge—as they are about sexuality: take a look at this!), that is how strongly nature encourages us to behave as we should be if its main purpose for us is to be achieved.

From AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, to EA, Ejaculations Anonymous

I can also refer to a well-known method used by AA, Alcoholics Anonymous: their 12-step program. The very first step called for the person to recognize that they have a problem.

Although I am not a supporter of AA program—it is overly influenced by religion—I believe that this first step is something very important and crucial, if someone really has decided to change something in their life.

Here it means that men will have to accept that the "evidence materials" are numerous enough and clear enough against their preferred addiction: ejaculations. It must be even more difficult for a man to realize and later admit that ejaculations are a problem than it is for an alcohol addict to recognize what they have to recognize. That's because the whole culture has supported the men's deleterious sexual behavior for several millennia (it looks a bit like the way the state gets rich with taxes on sales of both alcohol and tobacco, and we're told that it's not good to drink too much alcohol or to smoke at all...)

Admission is the First Step

This resistance from men against hearing about what ejaculations mean has been the biggest obstacle in my conversations with men, even the men I have spoken with who said they practiced Tantra (more on both Tantra and Taoism in another tab): men can not imagine how they could/should avoid ejaculations!

This is why I think that it is potentially more effective to talk to women, because when all is said and done, women may feel—if they dare to allow themselves to—how much fuller their sexuality could be if they got the opportunity for more private time with, among others, a stiff cock... And yet, as mentioned before here, many women have become so brainwashed that they continue to choose to shoot themselves in the foot, well, we may as well say shoot themselves in the vagina, by meaning that outpourings of sperm are good for them!

Go Forward with Clarity

Let us assume that even if it has been difficult for you as a man to have come to this conclusion, you are now convinced that ejaculations are not the best you can offer yourself, and even worse, your partner. You know, however, both how lovely ejaculations—and therefore the idea of ​​having to do without the pleasure they bring does not seem so appealing—and how difficult they are to prevent. This is where I can share my own experience.

I have mentioned before that I myself probably was the worst kind of premature ejaculator, and had been for several decades with no prospect of improvement, although I had heard that it could get better with age. Nope, even in my 40's, it was still just as bad for me as it had been in my 20's! Furthermore, I had resigned myself to it, which was a great defeat as a man.

In that way I can say that if I could do it, so can any motivated man also achieve it, and get the benefits of my experience, and the cheerful news that there are many, many times more pleasure to be had from a sexuality with greatly reduced ejaculations than with many of them—which is actually the fact that most of those who have not tried it cannot believe. What could be my reasons for lying about this? I have nothing to gain from it!

On the other hand, it must be said again and again that the process can be steep, it was for me (if the fact pf having tons of sex with a motivated woman can be considered as taxing), because—as also stated in both Taoist and Tantra literature—the more the man is committed to avoid ejaculations, that is by for a while also missing the ultimate pleasure, orgasms, so there comes a time when he will be "paid back" many times. It requires motivation and belief (although not in a religious way, it shall be said).

What do We Offer?

We (I and my two girlfriends) can offer living testimonies, conversations and support in the process.

I have among others developed a slide presentation describing sexuality with and without ejaculations at various stages of the process.

I/we are available to present the process and these materials to individuals, groups, with dialogue on various related issues.

You are welcome to contact us at baeredygtigseksualitet@gmail.com.

There are several more tabs, you can visit, including "Sex in the Media", where we examine how skewed our view of sexuality has become.

Sex in the Media


A little further down, this section contains pictures that could be found distasteful for some people (I very much hope that some of them will be, especially those on the left side, more on that later!). It is for this reason that the background color has been changed to red so that you remember it.

Therefore, you must decide whether you want to see them. All pictures are hidden in advance, and it requires your clicking certain places to see them. That way you do not risk to suddenly be "attacked" by something unpleasant when you scroll down.

(Click on the "Warning" header to hide [and show again] this warning.)

Before we get started with the pictures, I would like to elaborate on the purpose of this section.

Violence more desirable than sex!

Sexuality has been so suppressed and distorted that it has become much more acceptable to be exposed to stories, pictures, movies, etc., containing violence, increasingly violent degrees of violence than it is to present stories, pictures, movies, etc., referring to sexuality. There are many signs and evidence of this in our culture. I will only name a few.

When I did research online for this website, I was on youtube looking for films about respectively violence and sex.

A search on violent films led me to the following film "Top 5 most VIOLENT Movie Scenes". I clicked on the film, which involved a good deal of violence.

Right after, I looked for sex in movies. One of the first links was called "5 Worst Sex Scenes". I clicked on the movie, and I was presented with the following screen:

Content Warning Picture

I should first log myself, and thus "prove" that I was old enough to see the film.

If that was not enough, any female breasts that were visible in the film were blurred, in case anyone should see them in details (the film about violence had no form of censorship whatsoever). This film, on the other hand, showed very little violence, and most sex scenes were quite ridiculous.

This clearly shows that censorship is highly targeted towards sex, and almost inexistent when it comes to violence.

While we are on the web, I found long ago an entire website dedicated to sex in movies. It's called "Sex in the Cinema", and is to be found under filmsite.org.

Filmsite.org is a good example of how confused our culture is about both sex and violence and their relationship:

Sex in the Cinema Website (Show)

"Sex in the Cinema" is a very, very large website with hundreds of movies described in details, with pictures (more on those a little further down). It is only a subset of filmsite.org. There is also quite a large site, also under filmsite.org—called "Sexual or Erotic Films". The word "sex" appears five times on filmsite.orgs main page.

On the other hand, there is only one—case of the word "Violence" on the main page, which sends to a rather small site called "Extreme Violence in Movies".

From this we might think that violence is not as big a part of our film culture and that in turn sex—at least in movies, because it is described and analyzed so much more, must therefore be a larger, more accepted part of our culture. And we all know that it is not the case. Maybe it's because on the one hand we have become so accustomed to violence as a "normal" part of life that we take it for granted in entertainment and because on the other we are so cut off from sexuality that any film that contains some of it must be recorded and analyzed.

"Sex in the Cinema" is well organized: it provides detailed descriptions of movies—organized by release date—with pictures, lots of pictures. These, however, are almost exclusively of female breasts, which is very funny when there are so many other parts to the erotic body. It is very difficult to find so many pictures of a man's anatomy, for example.

(hide Sex in the Cinema)

Google censors sex and not violence (Show)

This can easily be shown if you for example have an android mobil phone.

In fact, you only need to use a fine little app Googles has, see this picture:

Here you have a larger picture of the app:

The idea with the app is that if you do just what the writing on the screen says, that is, if you say: "Ok Google", then it starts to listen to you and try to interpret what you say and act accordingly.

For instance, if you say "Send a text to Jake," the app will see whether there is a phone number in your mobile called Jake and ask you to dictate the message; or if you say "Who is Zarathustra?", it will search the web for you.

Well, this site is not a course in the use of your mobile phone, let's thus see how Google censors sex and not violence!

Try to say "I wanna fuck your sweet little cunt!"

Before we go any further, you must admit that this sentence—although perhaps not quite in the royalty-class of politeness—can easily be perceived, in certain circumstances, as sweet and loving!

Now try the following sentence with "Ok Google":
"I want to stick a knife in your ugly face and kill you!"

Here you must also admit that this sentence is inherently malicious and violent and could hardly be interpreted as something positive!

"Ok Google" sees a big difference between the two sentences, however: here you can see two screenshots of the results when you tell trust them to "Ok Google":

(Hide Google censors sex and not violence)

Suppression of Sex in Art History (Show)

Here, I am going to give only one example of the suppression of sex in art history, and again, I choose this example from my own experience.

When I was in school, I learned Latin, and in this context, I saw some pictures of art from Pompei. You know:

  • Fine mosaic of the fine people who lived there before Vesuvius destroyed it all;
    fine folks in Pompei
  • Fine pictures of the dog that guards the house;
    fine folks in Pompei
  • Fine vases with beautiful drawings on them;
    fine folks in Pompei
  • Even of people who died during the eruption, and so on.
    fine folks in Pompei

Some years ago, I visited Pompei. During the preparation for the trip, I found out that there was a full portion of art from Pompei that was very focused on sex.

Many of these pieces—which had been locked in the "Secret Cabinet" in Naples' national Arkeological Museum for many decades, and were first made available without restrictions for the general public in 2000—are quite advanced, even with our modern standards!

Here you get the chance to see some of them (if you are delicate, so be careful when you scroll down ...)
fine folks in Pompei
fine folks in Pompei
fine folks in Pompei
fine folks in Pompei
fine folks in Pompei

This experience was for me one of the many who have shown me the extent to which the prevailing culture is lying to us and hides so much from us!

(hide Suppression of Sex in Art History)

Video Games (Show)

Video games are a good example. If you search for "Violent video games (list)", you get plenty of hits. Among others, you get a list of the 25 worst, the 10 worst, etc.

The list of the 25 worst gives, for each game, a screenshot (or is it a screamshot) from the game. It is extremely appalling to see, especially when you take into consideration the fact that many young people play thse games.

Click on a picture to see it (and the accompanying text) in a larger format, and the picture shrinks again when you click the text below it (you cannot see two pictures at once) ...

Video Game Screenshot

Here we have a man with two "Smoking Guns", big deal...

Video Game Screenshot

If we assume that it is a man who holds the knife, ok, men tend to like that kind of entertainment, it makes them feel more manly...

Video Game Screenshot

A woman is being terrorized, well, big deal...

Video Game Screenshot

Is she getting only terrorized, or also raped...

Video Game Screenshot

Here we shall see up close how much suffering can be inflicted, by a mummy, to boot...

Video Game Screenshot

Maybe we can see a pedagogical effort here, a lesson in anatomy...

Video Game Screenshot

And here we can in the same spirit learn about how many ways there are to torture a human being...

Video Game Screenshot

If it were not enough with all the weapons of mass destruction we possess, we have also to invent even more violent creatures...

We could go on in this way, remember the site I got the pictures from gave a list of no fewer than 25 violent video games!

Before you proceed, you might reflect on what the above might mean:
We live in a culture where entertainment thrives on violence, gratuitous violence, extreme violence, violence against each other, violence against women, even violence against children, etc.

Because children and adolescents are very attracted to video games, they learn from an early age that violence is almost a normal, fun, desirable part of life.

On the other hand, they are increasingly shielded, "protected" against having to see anything having to do with sexuality: bodies should be hidden and any description of sexuality is suppressed.

The next section aims to concretely show this unfathomable contradiction.

(hide Video Games)

Violence vs Sex in Movies (Show)

Click on the left side of the red frame to view an image of violence.
When you remove the mouse from the picture, the picture shrinks away.
Then click on the right side of the red frame to see a picture about sex. (You must first click on the left side, otherwise you get a message about it!)
When you remove the mouse from the picture, the picture shrinks away.

What is more shocking: seeing violence against a woman, or to see parts of a naked woman (which shall be censored anyway ...)?

Film Screenshot 1
Film Screenshot 1

Here we have children who are involved in the violence in a movie (left), and it is quite fine, while it is still mostly forbidden to show two people making love (right).

Film Screenshot 1
Film Screenshot 1

(hide Violence vs Sex in Movies)

Sex in Specific Movies (Show)

Here, I would like to focus on a number of movies that clearly show how sex is suppressed and distorted in the media.

Love by Gaspar Noe (2015) (Show)

During the preparation of this website, I've seen a movie that clearly differs from most other films that involve some form of sexuality, namely Gaspar Noe's "Love".

You must be warned that the present writing is going to act as a "spoiler" because it is difficult to seriously talk about a movie without revealing something or other about the action. Which means that if you want to see the movie, so watch it first and read this afterwards ...

"Love"'s tone-setting opening scene is an uncensored, 2.5 minutes sex scene that would cause many to judge that the movie is "just" porn, and therefore choose to not see the rest of it. As a matter of fact, if I had not known beforehand that the film is not a porn film, I would have stopped to see it because I do not think that porn is something worth seeing.

I knew, from the cover that the film would contain very hot and daring sex scenes, and I looked forward to see if they stood out from what porn films usually present.

The opening scene was somehow promising, and somehow a downturn. The one because it was there, and the other because of the way it developed itself—more on this later.

It was promising because it stood distinctly out from porn, including the fact that it took place in a very quiet and calm atmosphere and it gave an impression of intimacy and present.

It was a downturn because it anyway followed a very usual (read almost "porn") process in two ways:

  • First, the focus was on the man's pleasure. It was almost stressful to see how much energy the woman used to shake his cock back and forth with increasing intensity. It was so obvious that the aim was to get him to get an ejaculation, probably as quickly as possible. I was almost sorry for her: It must have been painful for her hand!
    The man also touched by the woman, though compared to how much energy and motivation she used on him, it seemed like it was not that important to him—and possibly, even worse not even for her—to give her pleasure.
  • Secondly, it ended as most porn scenes end, that is with an outpouring of sperm, as if this outpouring was the most important, what should finally be achieved, and what happens to the woman is at this time no longer of interest because the film goes on!
    In that way, it became clear during the film that the man got "ultimate" pleasure (that is an ejaculation) several times, whereas at no point of the movie could I be sure that the woman once had one orgasm. Even in a scene where the man licks her and the focus is on her, and she therefore becomes very excited, the scene ends without showing whether she gets an orgasm.

Young Sex and Mature Sex

The way sex scenes took place in the movie made me think of something I had not considered before:

Could it be that because the sex scenes in these kinds of movies, and porn in general, always stage young people with great bodies, so it means that the sex, we often see in movies is "young sex", that is sex involving relatively inexperienced women and men.

If we take into account that women learn to enjoy sex later than men do, then it would explain the almost universal absence of orgasms for women in movies, as well in porn (where it does not come as a surprise, considering that porn is almost exclusively for men and their enjoyment, and women are far in the background) as in more "mainstream" movies, in the sense that young actresses are not yet able to give a very strong demonstration of their pleasure (they probably don't know yet what it looks like, and they cannot even learn it by watching movies of their older colleagues, since it is only recently that we began to see older actresses play sex scenes!), where it does not require as much for a man to obtain an ejaculation!

It would therefore be interesting to see someone make a movie that would contain sex scenes, and include older or mature people. There we would be able to get the opportunity to see what it looks like when a woman really enjoys sex.

An advantage would be that where a man can only get one ejaculation at a time and must necessarily rest before he gets another one, then a woman could show multiple orgasms in a row—though it would already be good enough to start with one!

And of course, this would require actors to learn about sustainable sexuality!

The Difference Between Erotic and Porno

Another theme the film brought to mind is the difference between erotica and porn.

Many of the scenes in "Love" contained tenderness, closeness, intimacy, slowness that go with eroticism.

Some scenes,on the other hand, were more influenced by a pornographic atmosphere, especially the scenes where a woman was fucked in high speed—after all, an integral part of porn film—where closeness was lost.

So what exactly is the difference between erotica and porn?

We can attempt to answer this question in several ways.

One way is to say that if we lived in a culture that was focused more on female values than male values, porn would probably not even exist and eroticism would be "good enough".

Another way is to say that porn—especially with its rawness, its near-violence, and too often its lack of respect for women, including through an almost total absence of showing female pleasure—is one of the many adverse side effects of a culture that is mostly intended for men, and where female values ​​are not appreciated very much.

(hide Love by Gaspar Noe)

Paradies: liebe (2012) (Show)

By accident, I saw this film the same day I saw the previous one. The "Spoiler Warning" applies here too...

The two films are very different. The first one, "Love", clearly has sex as a prominent part where the second one, "Paradies" is a kind of "social realism" film that focuses on a serious subject, namely the way in which some women in the western world "need" to go to Africa if they can hope to get sex.

These are women who, unlike those in "Love", far from live up to the Western world's criteria for how a woman should look like if she should be sought by men and have a chance to have sex. In this way, the two films are quite the opposite to one another.

Maybe it's because "Paradies"'s focus is not sex per se that its sex scenes are rather subdued in comparison with what "Love" offers.

There was though a scene where an African man was brought to one of the women as a birthday gift—the meaning being that she could "play" with him—that was quite daring, considering that we have for decades seen only women's breasts on the canvas; it is much more rare that a man is allowed to wave his cock, here unfortunately not in dignified circumstances...

(hide Paradies: liebe)

Fifty Shades of Boredom (2015) (Show)

Let's look at a film that came out in 2015, "50 Shades of Grey".

The film is of course an adaptation of Volume 1 of the book of the same name. The book, published in 2011, had received much media attention, and was presented as something very daring, probably even more so because it was written by a woman.

I was very excited to read the book because, well, good erotic literature is not something that comes by very often.

The book ended up being a great "disappointment", rather a "counterclimax", at least two reasons:

  • Firstly, there was so little eroticism in the book that it became very boring reading.
    The main protagonist—no, not him the psychopath, rather his poor female victim—got, during a book spanning several months, if I remember correctly, many times less sex than I and my girlfriends get on, say, a bad day, which is really funny because the book was presented as hot reading in a class of its own!
  • Secondly—which is actually the cause of the first point—Mr. Grey clearly confuses his cock—if he has one at all—with his pocket book, a typical topic for men who use power to get women. The man is clearly mentally disturbed, and instead of going to therapy, he gets hold of a woman he can humiliate and oppress.
    Had Ms. Steele known a little more about sex, she would not have wasted her time with such a pussy, which is also a recurring theme in our culture where certain parts of the population continue to be oppressed because they do not know enough. Women are particularly prone to this kind.

I gave up reading volume 2 and 3, and had it confirmed by Jane—who read the whole series—that there was not much more exciting in the rest of the books.

The book and its subsequent film adaptation, is in a way a good mirror of the "Zeitgeist", in that that materialism, shown among others by the number of expensive whips in the red room, is more important than pleasure. In fact, it becomes pleasure instead!

It reminds me of a time Anna and I were in a swingers club, where we had a date with a man because Anna wanted to have sex with two men. The guy was cute enough, and when it came to him having sex with Anna, so he could not get it up. Part of his justification was that he was more into S&M—just as Mr. Grey was. He had shown us the little suitcase, he strolled around with and that was full of interesting objects: whips, ropes, handcuffs and such.

It is by the way astonish for me about S & M: it looks as if some people use it to hide from experiencing sex in a more simple and human way.

Not to say that I and my girlfriends do not bind each other once in a while. It's just that the basic issues should preferably be in place first. There is a big difference between using something that would be exciting because it's exciting, and using it to hide oneself. Mr. Grey clearly uses his power to hide—with his "torture room"—that he is, for all I can see, near-impotent!

(hide Fifty Shades of Boredom)

Fifty Shades of More Boredom (2017) (Show)

Volume two of the "50 Shades" trilogy, "50 Shades Darker" has come out, and I must tell you, it did not get better!

There are, in the whole film, four or five sex scenes, that also have in common with the previous film that it is at no point obvious that Ms. Steele gets even one single orgasm!

In that way, the film exposes—of course without being aware of it—the fact that "eroticism" in the movies is at present time not really possible, because we either see gushing sperm, which belongs to the realm of porn, and would not be welcome as a label for a film meant for a wide audience, or we don't see any, and because female sexuality has always been suppressed, we see instead women who moan at libitum and ad infinitum without anything concrete coming out of it, such as, for instance, the most expectable outcome when a person gets excited, an orgasm!

So we have to accept it: Ms. Steele is not going to have orgasms at all.

On the other hand, she continues being abused and mistreated by the mentally sick Mr. Grey, and she wallows in it to an extend that makes one wonder whether she knows that women have rights and should not need to be subservient to get good sex.

The climax of the film is that the two get married, some erotic trip!

If you look closer at the film's content besides the puny sex, it is actually still about poor Mr. Grey who, because he has been mistreated in his childhood and who has not followed enough therapy instead of crashing expensive helicopters, subjects a poor (not in the sense of rich/poor) woman, who therefore must not be so smart, to further humiliations, as if she had had enough the first time around! I mean, where is the movement for the liberation of women!

A funny local note here about Denmark: Pia Kjærsgaard, chairperson of the Danish Parliament, because she had been known to have seen the first movie, was invited by the "newspaper" "Metroexpress" to see part two and she gave an interview about it. She found the movie to be a disappointment. Her most interesting comment, though, was that the sex scenes were beautiful, because they involved neither ugly nor fat people. This is an interesting remark that shows how confused the culture is, a culture that glorifies "beauty" and considers people who do not live up to the standards as near-trash.

It is even sadder considering the fact that Pia K, who is not fat, I will give her that, is on the other hand no beauty queen, which shows that she indirectly talks badly about herself, pretty sad for a person that holds such a high position in the political life of Little Denmark, and therefore, maybe, could benefit from showing a bit more awareness...

It is also interesting to see that she did not add the no-young to her list of undesirable people in a sex scene, because there she no doubt saw that there was something wrong with her reasoning, considering that she is not so young herself...

(hide Fifty Shades of More Boredom, 2017)

(hide Sex in Specific Movies)

XXX (Show)

(hide XXX)

Index (Press "i" or "I" to come here)

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Each time you use the index, a full link to the heading you searched is copied to the clipboard so that you can send it to anyone, for example by mail. All you have to do is to use CONTROL V or "insert". The link must be used as it is, and must NOT be edited!

Panel Temp Title

Hvis et rerun af den kvindelige befrielsesbevægelse skal lykkes, så skal kvinder grave lidt dybere end at smide bh væk: De skal stille spørgsmålstegn til selve samfundets, endda kulturens fundament, der stadig er noget af mænd og for mænd; de skal genindføre kvindelige værdier i en verden der lider fra de værste af de mandlige "værdier"såsom vold.

Et typisk ønske hos mange par er den flygtige euforisk dagdrøm om at "komme sammen".

Når vi tager fysiologi og sex statistik i betragtning, så bliver det tydeligt, at idéen, dog fin, ikke har så meget hold i virkeligheden. Den skjuler en del af problemet, som er, at seksualitet er stadig baseret på den mandlige udløsning som afslutning.

Nogle kvinders kamp imod orgasmer er ikke færdig endnu!

Det værste er, at mange kvinder selv tager kampen imod deres orgasmer. Det værste tilfæle jeg har oplevet var at læse en bog, skrevet af en ellers kendt kvinde i Danmark for hendes erfaring/viden om sex, nemlig Maria Marcus. Bogen hedder "Kom du? En mosaik om orgasme", udgivet i 2015.

Jeg læste bogen grundigt, i håb på at finde en stemme, der ville hjælpe kvinder i deres generobring af deres seksualitet. Det modsatte skete, som fik mig til at føre en grundig gennemgang af det, MM selv skrev om sine orgasmer. Det viste tydeligt, at MM tilsyneladende stadig nægter en stor del af sin egen seksualitet, i hvert fald hvad angår orgasmer. Det var chokerende for mig at se, at nogen som "skulle" være meget bevidst om slagsen stadig er i tvivl om kvinde orgasmer er noget, der endda eksisterer.

Tonen i MMs skriveri gav mig et stort indtryk af, at kvinden stadig er i krig med sig selv i den grad, og det ligner rester fra en barndom, der ikke endnu er blevet fordøjet.

MM udviser også en høj grad ignorance—som de fleste stadig gør i vores kultur—omkring mandeseksualitet, som mest tydeligt kan ses i hendes bog når hun taler om mændenes nydelse, deres orgasmer, og deres udløsninger...

Jeg tilbød MM at drøfte min observationer, som hun ikke var interesseret i (selvom hun skriver i bogen, at hun har stor interesse i at høre fra mennesker...). Jeg kan tilbyde mine observationer til dem, der gerne vil se dem.

Navigation on the Website (Show)

To make it easier for you to navigate on this site, we have provided you with the following possibilities:

  • Press "i" or "I" to go to the Index (if you already have used the index, you will be taken to the latest index entry you have used).
  • Press "n" or "N" to go to the next section, and "p" or "P" to go to the previous.
  • Press a number from "1" to "8" to go to the corresponding section ("Introduction" is #1, etc).

I would not have learned so much about sex if it weren't for these women: Jenny, Sylvia, Connie, Marnie, Donna, Katie, Carry, Claudia, Claire, Laura, Sonia, Beatrix, Katrina, Lene Rosanna, Zoe, Elena, Sanne, Kim, Lana, Olga, Bonnie, Ophelia, Zabrina, Zinia, Karina, Jolene, Hanne, Zelena, Rianna, Jane, Anna, Laureen, Anja, Irma, Darlene, Dorthe, Serena, Jennifer, Bertha, Kirsten, and Gilda. Thanks to you all!

Here I have the gallery
Right Side Picture 1 Right Side Picture 2 Right Side Picture 3 Right Side Picture 4 Right Side Picture 5